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nightkami · 5 years ago
@xvarnah, Did you notice that weird scene with Drogon picking up Dany with his claw? SFX team must have been told to do something regardless of how weird it was going to be. There was a reason they didnt want to show the rest of the dragon and the arm at the same time cause they were doing some funky arm bending.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@peachyy just to extend on that:
Daenerys basically is presented almost as a Nazi at this point. She's completely blind, has no room for mercy, cares nothing about the suffering around her, and the show tries very hard (with a few snippets of dialogue) to convince us this is who she's been all along. She really has the worst reaction to being sexually rejected by her nephew that I've ever seen
Bron also becomes master of coin after the impressive qualification of threatening Tyrion and Jamie at the end of a crossbow to become lord of high garden and then screwing off during the battle of the undead
Samwell seems to become grand Meister with the qualification of having read a lot about the undead (which no longer exist) and greyscale. I like Samwell but I wouldn't make a nurse head of the entire hospital because they found the cure to fatal eczema
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Drogon flies off with daenerys' corpse. No one but Bran seems particularly concerned about where the fire-breathing killing machine wanders off to, or whether he's perhaps fallen into enemy hands, which given he was just used to destroy the entire capital you'd think they might be. He also melts the iron throne
Brianne seems to become knight-commander and finishes Jamie's entry in the book
Tyrion is named hand of the king and this is treated like some grand irony at this point. He expresses regret about what happened with Varys
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@nightkami tbh I was a little distracted by trying to figure out what the hell his claw was at first so I didn't pay as much attention to daenerys. I may have to rewatch that part to see what happened with the arm
that_creepy_guy · 5 years ago
It was dark but it was perfectly visible on my tv.....
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@that_creepy_guy so then can you tell me what the fuck happened? Cuz I'm at a loss. How many dragons are left? 1 or 2?
Anyway, you're TV must have some serious blacks. I knew it was going to be dark so I waited until 3AM to watch it, and still couldn't make out a GD thing.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
nvm, the funeral shows, but I can't say when in episode 3 each dies
peachyy · 5 years ago
Thank you @nightkami and @xvarnah
that_creepy_guy · 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex Yeah helps that its a brand new tv Lol. There are also 2 dragons left
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex Drogon and Rhaegal are still alive. Viserion was the dragon taken by the night king, and he and Rhaegal got into a scuffle
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Yeah, I'm through episode 5 now. Rhaegal was alive for all of 3 minutes screen-time wise... his neck got fucked up. While Dany just... going nuts on King Landing is a swift change of character, watching what she did was awesome. That was..... just... DAYUM.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@that_creepy_guy Niiiice. I just got my new laptop and that's how I feel looking at this screen vs my old one, it's a huge difference.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I finished it. I actually enjoyed most of it... except for Tyrion and the high council making jokes... not that it isn't a normal reaction, it's just they sounded exactly like stupid filler jokes... and then they ruined Bran with ONE FUCKING LINE. ONE! It's not even what he said, it's how he said it. Smug little motherfucker while the goddamn imp defends you and you smirk at him? Fuck you. FUCK YOU.
Ayra though, I'm happy for her.
who_cares · 5 years ago
D and D ruined it. That's all.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@Funkmasterrex a lot of the endings wouldn't be so awful if they were just fleshed out a bit more beforehand. Arya's ending seemed fitting for her, as does most of her arc (except wandering dazed through King's landing). Tbh I was expecting one of the episodes to end with her adding Daenerys' name to her list and her being the one to kill the dragon queen and then disappear, much like she did with the Frey's.
The Hound's ending was kind of poetic (him finally pushing his brother into the fire after all these years) as well
that_creepy_guy · 5 years ago
The only thing stronger than the hounds fear of fire is his hatred for his brother and I love that
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@xvarnah yeah, 4 more episodes to flesh it all out would have been great.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@that_creepy_guy So I put in Captain Marvel on Blu-Ray (holding off Jessica Jones season 3, since it's late)... and I noticed the fucking Skrulls, while in the dark, were nearly grey, so I've fiddled with my settings until I got it to how it looked in the movie theater. I'll re-watch the Battle of Winterfell and let you know if my adjustments hold up. I forgot that when I moved my TV I had also adjusted it for the daylight behind it from having it in my game room instead of my back bedroom.
that_creepy_guy · 5 years ago
Yeah let me know if that works, or if i'm just a lucky SOB
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
For sure.