unicycle · 5 years ago
Because not trusting anyone is always worse.
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Prove it
unicycle · 5 years ago
Humans wither and can die without close social bonds. Anything a person could do to you is outweighed by the understanding and support that comes from love and trust in those around us.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Totally agree with @unicycle, very well said. I'd like to give some advice or support too but firstly, do you want to share what happened? You don't have to but it'll help. Trust is obviously something not easily given so when someone breaks it or takes it for granted it can hurt a lot no matter the situation.
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
The trick is to trust people but not put so much on them that you are devastated if that trust is broken. Everyone slips up now and again, the less hurt you are the easier to forgive and that’s happier for everyone in the long run.
calvinoot · 5 years ago
I agree with everyone above, I'm with @scatmandingo on always never fully trusting people, it is really hard to have proof that someone has your best interests in mind but the more time you spend with someone the easier it is to trust them and want to support them as much as they support you.
aviva · 5 years ago
@jmmcclain What‘s wrong?
guest_ · 5 years ago
Hey @jmmcclain- trusting people can be hard. If you want to talk about what happened we are here. In general I’ll tell you this- how can people buy real estate, stocks, anything? It’s an investment. Like any it has risk, and if you play long enough you will lose on any investment. Things can be volatile and you can get hurt. But... the richest people on earth invest- because while the hurts like betrayal stand out most, we tend to forget all the little gains, the happy moments and good times out trust paid off, all the different investments that didn’t bite us.
guest_ · 5 years ago
So we invest in trust to enrich our lives. We do our best to make the smartest choices, only give as much trust as an investment has made us confident to risk, we vette each investment and we cover our bases... and even then sometimes things go off the rails. Like the financial crash few people may see the fall coming and have no reason to think it is. But- of the many who lost so much in bad markets- most get back in and keep at it even still- because you can only lose what you’ve gained. That’s a big one there. When our trust is broken we lose what we gained and that hurts- but if we never trust we never gain that to start, so we may not feel the pain of loss but we never had as much to lose either- and if we invest and don’t loose, we end up with more than we would ever have had otherwise.
guest_ · 5 years ago
And yes, sometimes someone betrays our trust and leaves us worse off for having trusted them than we would be for never knowing them. That’s true- but usually the people we trust prudently leave is better off, so counting up the gains and losses we still come out way ahead. There’s no safe path through life, we will all be hurt and we will all be let down and we will all die- so if you already know these things are going to happen regardless- the smart bet is the one that gives you an actual good chance to live the best life, and 10k+ years of human civilization tells us that for most people that means trusting in others from time to time.
guest_ · 5 years ago
And some people are down right assholes who will abuse trust with malicious intent, some are weak or selfish, and all people are imperfect. So are we. It’s about doing more good than we do bad and experiencing more good than bad in life. We can always learn from having our trust betrayed and that lesson is almost never to curl up and wall off- there are ways that we can slow down in the future, protect ourselves in the future, etc while still giving trust. And sometimes there aren’t. Sometimes you did it all smart and right and nothing could have prevented it except never trusting at all- but as discussed in length, never trusting at all is a suckers bet.
guest_ · 5 years ago
When you’ve done all you can and still got burned that’s not on you and there’s nothing much to learn except how to clean up the pieces when things go wrong. It’s just what it is, something that happened and is terrible but so are earthquakes and Tornados and flash floods. Things happen and we either let them change us for the worse or decide to make our own changes for the better. Little good is ever done by embracing negativity. Betrayal hurts and we all need time to process in our own way- but we can’t let that mess up our lives- that isn’t the person who betrayed us doing, but our own doing.