by asteroid · 43 comments 5 years ago
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asteroid · 5 years ago
It is worth mentioning that many of the threats from west are bs. For instance, there is a travel ban so even patients from Iran can't go to American hospitals but the mullahs can stay in Royal hospitals in London or hospitals in Canada. Meanwhile, their children are studying in American and Canadian universities. It's just ridiculous
asteroid · 5 years ago
The simple truth is sanctions help the dictators more than anyone else and they are just pressures on ordinary people. Do you think mullahs or their children care about the sanctions? They go to the best resorts in Switzerland and France for vacation and they drive Ferraris and Mercedes on the streets in Iran. They don't care about the sanctions even a bit.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Oh, of course they don't. Same kind of shit happens here, just under a different guise.
who_cares · 5 years ago
Do you want to get out of Iran or stay there?
asteroid · 5 years ago
@who_cares I can't get out because you have to complete military service to be able to get a passport and I hate military stuff so I can't get out. But I would like to live in a country with more freedoms
asteroid · 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex yeah that's the reality
who_cares · 5 years ago
That is sad. I hope the best for you and also that you make the best of all the opportunities.
asteroid · 5 years ago
Thank you very much, we will see what happens
metalman · 5 years ago
I think, this is just my observation, that the reason for the sanctions is that the western governments, after Iraq, realised that overthrowing a government militarily does more to radiclize a population than it does to free them. A foreign army "liberating" them looks an awful lot like an invasion and the subsequent occupation looks like a form a colonialism the people have grown to hate. So the west enacts sanctions on the countries to foment civil unrest. "If the peoples' lives are shitty enough they will rebel against the government themselves then we can swoop in with aid and look like the good guys!" is what the west is going for.
asteroid · 5 years ago
Yeah but it won't be successful as is obvious in Venezuela. I wish for a day that sovereignty of nations be respected and western countries stop meddling in the affairs of others. It is quite interesting that Saudia Arabia is the chair of human rights council or something. Let's be honest and understand that western countries aren't interested in democracy or freedom for people, they are looking out for their own interests. Some governments like that of Iran are shitty and stupid, but people of Iran should understand this and do something themselves. On the other hand, if there were no sanctions people would be living in peace at the moment.
metalman · 5 years ago
Sovereignty of nations being respected is a far off fantasy. From the dawn of civilization nations have never left another nation alone. We all compete for the same resources and it won't stop anytime soon. Sadly that's just reality. Saudi Arabia is a shit country. Tbf no country is without faults and/or without sin. Every nation does shitty things. That's also just reality.
interesting · 4 years ago
You still alive @asteroid? You're commenting less and less lately. Things in Iran heating up?
asteroid · 4 years ago
Hey @interesring yeah I'm alive, nothing is really happening yet, so we have to just wait and see I guess. Thanks for your concern. The CIA is trying to drum up something but people don't believe them easily as before. I think this is because of all the social networks and access to information. I don't really know
interesting · 4 years ago
I think that the Iranian government wants to drum up a little conflict in the area to try and get some sanctions lifted and to drive up oil prices... but the last thing I think they want is war. That being stated, they're walking a very fine line because not just the CIA but pretty much every clandestine service organization in the world would love the US declaring war on Iran and the current administration may actually do it if they're given enough political ammo. They're may be some military responses that some Americans support, but the vast majority of Americans would not support all out war on Iran.
interesting · 4 years ago
All that crap aside, glad you're okay.
asteroid · 4 years ago
Yeah but any strike will lead to an all encompassing war and I know these people, they have seen a war with Iraq. They sent children to defend the country and then they got a great life for themselves. Of course they want war. These people won't give up all this wealth. US has been in Afghanistan for more than 15 years close to twenty and still the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan are in talks to give the Taliban power and status. These leeches won't leave the people of Iran alone, not that easily at least. Of course they want war, they love it as much as Bolton and others. They have Canadian and Shengen passports in their pockets and millions of dollars in their foreign bank accounts. They don't care about war, they welcome it. Anyhow I hope everything works out at the end. Again thanks for your concern
asteroid · 4 years ago
Or maybe I am totally wrong and they don't want war. It is worth mentioning that many of the policies of Iran are dictated by Russians and Putin. People here even suspect Russians downed that drone not these IRGC morons. It is very hard to imagine IRGC having the capability of doing such an operation. Who knows
interesting · 4 years ago
Considering what Russia is doing in Cuba, that wouldn't surprise anyone.
asteroid · 4 years ago