I'm worried.
by deleted · 20 comments 4 years ago
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deleted · 5 years ago
My dad has been complaining of back/chest pain for a week, but didn't wanna go to the doctor because we don't have health insurance...
Today my mom had enough and took him to the hospital for a checkup. He came home with a CT that showed he has a five centimeter(2inch) mass tumor in his left lung. He is scheduled for a biopsy in two days, and I have no idea what the hell is gonna happen.
bethorien · 5 years ago
I dont claim to know a hellavalot about cancers or tumors but the little i do know comes from looking up stuff about it when my grandmother had cancer.
based on what i read, if its only in the lung that means its either a benign tumor that wont spread or a first stage cancer which would mean that it was noticed rather early. for it to be considered stage 2 i think it has to have spread to the lymph nodes
deleted · 5 years ago
after research, 3-5 cm is stage one,5-7 is stage two, or 3-5 with metastasis is stage two.
due to no apparent metastasis, it is likely stage two, if it is cancerous at all...
but this makes me feel less agitated, so it helped!
thank you bethorien!
bethorien · 4 years ago
*sends comfort hugs*
nicengelman · 4 years ago
You guys need to see if you're eligible for medicaid. People always think they aren't and don't bother applying. In the past four years I've had multiple surgeries, countless doctor visits, multiple medications I take each day and night, and my total out of pocket? $40
bethorien · 4 years ago
well, notice he did say centimeters, so id assume he isnt american, idk tho
nicengelman · 4 years ago
He also said 2 inches, and some medical professionals go with centimeters since it's more accurate than inches.
that_creepy_guy · 4 years ago
As long as it hasn't spread to the lymphnodes he will be fine. Sounds like its a benign tumor though. Sending hopeful thoughts your way, I've been through this before so I know how devastating this can be
deleted · 4 years ago
I do live in America, yes,
And thank all of you for your support.
And nicengelman, thanks a lot for the tip, i’ll look into it!
nicengelman · 4 years ago
Good luck @pranav! Keep us updated!
deleted · 4 years ago
Thank you, i will!
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
No doctor in the US that I know of uses inches exclusively. It's always either just cm, or both.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
And yeah, good luck :/ I lost my grandpa to lung cancer :/ wasn't fun.
deleted · 4 years ago
Jeez that’s sad funk... when did your grandpa unfortunately pass?
nicengelman · 4 years ago
@funkmasterrex that was really more my point, that a doctor using metric doesn't imply that it's not an American doctor, but you and I are on the same page
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
deleted · 4 years ago
My dad is taking the biopsy of the tumor today.results will be back this week.
bethorien · 4 years ago
*sends more comfort hugs*
deleted · 4 years ago
So initial results are back, and it is 90% chance pneumonia (i dunno how) ,10% adenocarcinoma of the lung... they have prescribed antibiotics, and we will check again in a week. If the mass shrinks, we know it’s pneumonia.
deleted · 4 years ago
And thank you for supporting me on this guys