m · 5 years ago
I say jo because the crotch areanonot open at the bottom like a skirt. The pant leg for the missing leg is often safety pinned up or sewn closed.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
I'd also say no, cause a even if don't have the other leg you're still putting on pants. Pants have two holes, even if you don't use the other one it's still pants.
mrscollector · 5 years ago
See here is the thing if you were to sew the side where you are missing your leg shut so you only have one leg hole doesn't that mean you are wearing a skirt? A skirt is like pants but instead of 2 leg holes you have 1 big one that fits both legs.
deleted · 5 years ago
I say no as well, because if there is a crotch to the garment, and not just a sheath of fabric open on both ends, it’s pants of some sort. Technically a skirt you could pull up or down to remove if you could pull it far enough. Pants, not so much, due to the seams of the crotch. They get pulled up to put on and down to remove.
jd1984 · 4 years ago
They become a pant or a short rather then pants or shorts.
carbonatedwaffles · 4 years ago
I was gonna tag @morebacon but then I re-read the post and also noticed he hasn't been on in almost a year
calvinoot · 4 years ago
Nup, not a skirt. Pants would be too baggy anyway so probably everything would be shorts on one side and pant on the other.
parisqeen · 4 years ago
@carbonatedwaffles surley it hasn't been a year? I hope he's okay