catfluff · 4 years ago
Bruh, my eyes
shrekislove_ · 4 years ago
Agreed. I go into the comments with the hope of seeing him say something
captain_obvious · 4 years ago
This is a chat thread talking about how some users have been downvoting my comments without reading my name
bethorien · 4 years ago
i downvote because i find the premise of such an account to be asinine rather than funny not out of ignorance of the joke.
parisqeen · 4 years ago
Why downvote when you can just move on? He's having fun let him be
mrfahrenheit · 4 years ago
Eh, he seems pretty harmless to me, certainly better than escort spam bots, repost bots, or trolls
parisqeen · 4 years ago
Oh my god that escort. I just want some decent memes I wish they'd stop bombarding my eyes with body pics like, lovely but go away
bethorien · 4 years ago
one of the ones i saw had full on see-able nipples which i would assume is advertizer suicide
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
David Letterman made a career over repeating the same bad jokes over and over. The humor comes from the commitment to maintaining the joke even though it’s bad and has been repeated so many times that everyone knows what’s coming. I applaud @captain_obvious because, if they stick with it, they are operating at a higher level than the normal one-liners on here.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
For me, I relate it to Zoolander. I hated Zoolander the very first time I saw it. Second time, meh, third time "haha", fourth time "XD lmao" ...... 100th time "def top 3 funniest movies ever".
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Speaking about a top 3... let's go top 5: for me 1) Monty Python and the search for the Holy Grail 2) Tropic Thunder 3) Zoolander 4) Office Space 5) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls.
Honorable mentions: Ricky Bobby, Jackie Moon, Frank the Tank, and Step Brothers.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
OH SHIT... and "The Goods". My dad is a car salesman. That shit is FUCKING HILARIOUS.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Oh and my roommate in CA was from Temecula.... which was also a side-funny.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Fuck it, it's a top 11.... add Walk Hard.