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zont · 5 years ago
I don't know the context of why you posted this, but my curiousity got the better of me.
That's really fuckin' disturbing.
rosalinas · 5 years ago
Getting told my things are disturbing by a gay furry is probably a new low for me.
I wish it were in full colour... blood and flesh look nice.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Shes trying to show me good vore bc all the good shit online is being deleted and all that's being left is the deviantart trash.
To put this into perspective, imagine you go out to buy decorations for your house, but all the good decor stores have been burned down and all that's left to choose from is the dollar store. That's how it feels rn and frankly its pissing me off
zont · 5 years ago
Oh. Alrighty then.
I'll be a little more weary when clicking links from you then.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Smart furry
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I've been starved of object vore ever since 8chan got deleted and their forum full of it got removed (and dont get me wrong, fuck 8chan and all the insane monsters on it), now all that's left is bottom of the bin internet shit that I've seen since day one that's of low quality, has no effort put into it whatsoever, and was probably made by a horny person who was drugged out of their mind.
This link here (which does involve vore but its soft vore aka nothing TOO icky or cringy) is probably the last good quality object vore I can find. Ellie is a sweetie, the stories this guy makes up has tons of personality, and overall, its just super nice. Idk how to explain it (maybe I'm just too much of a snob), but I like work like this. Not necessarily soft vore, but just... decent quality like this at best
fell_equinox · 5 years ago
Fuck my curiosity got me too. Now I'm interested
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I should also say that blood and gore in vore is not my thing. I was once reading a real good one that I was *ahem*ing to, but got completely disgusted after the chick started to chew a guy up.
So I think you and I are into two very different types of vore rosie lol
rosalinas · 5 years ago
But if there weren't any blood, would it still be considered vore.
Eating something alive without spilling blood? Wouldn't that just make it ... sushi?
I suppose I'm not much for the eating but more about the blood which explains why I got so excited (not in sexual way) watching Tokyo Ghoul.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
The process of ingesting something is the vore, not the blood.
My thing is swallowing whole. Yeah its disturbing to imagine, but idk, I think it's like a more fucked up version of a dominatrix to me. Some stories also go and make it a more romantic process (dont ask me how it works, I'm not gonna pull a guest_ and write 3 paragraphs on why certain vore is good).
Either way, it's the swallowing and sitting in the stomach that turns me on. That's why I like object vore, bc it's one of the few kinds that can actually be played out irl (I mean you CAN swallow a fish or mouse irl, but please dont), with small things that you cant choke on like gummys, candy, or if you want to get more extreme, marbles and other small objects
zont · 5 years ago
There's some vore on e621 (a mostly furry site), and you can search for the tag not_furry
nicengelman · 5 years ago
I'm apparently not as hip as you guys, does vore manga imply manga about eating someone alive or something?
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
@niceangelman vore is the kink of eating someone or something/being eaten, either by regular eating or swallowing whole
nicengelman · 5 years ago
I was close. I wish I didn't have the kind of mind that has suddenly made me curious
rosalinas · 5 years ago
You guys wanna hear about one of the scene in the manga... It's really cool
About there was this kissing scene where they were French kissing and the tounge got bitten off and swallowed so that was fun
Hmm actually I think it was more like chewed off.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Advice to everyone reading this: dont click the links. Mine could be considered ok by some, but dont trust any of them either way
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Yeah that's your kind of vore rosie, not mine lol
rosalinas · 5 years ago
I'm so sad now
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I'm sorry, we just have different...
rosalinas · 5 years ago
I just wish it has a bigger fandom cause damn that manga is good