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xvarnah · 4 years ago
Goose down is actually just what's used to FILL the coat. Down = feathers from birds, in this case geese. It tends to make the coats decently puffy, and a bit pricier, but you'll be hard pressed to find something to keep you warmer. If you're here in the spring and summer it might not be so bad (springs can still be decently chilly), but if you're going to be here in the winter then it's pretty important to have appropriate gear, especially if you're more used to a warmer climate.
I'm not personally familiar with Toronto and Quebec too much so I could only offer you hear-say on what they're like.
Toronto - supposedly crowded (though probably not compared to India?). People can be rude and the crime may be something worth paying attention to, but it's not supposed to be a bad place to live. It's the capital, so there tends to be things going on there often enough
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Quebec - beautiful historical areas. Largely speaks French (and French, unlike most of the rest of Canada, is treated as the First language there, not English). That said, many people there are also bilingual. A bit out of step with the rest of Canada in terms of politics
laughwendylaugh · 4 years ago
Crime is pretty much the same as every city, there are bad neighborhoods and not so bad neighborhoods. Toronto and Quebec (Montreal and Quebec City) are very different. If you don't know much french, I suggest Toronto. Toronto is the capital of Ontario (Ontario is a province in Canada) whereas Ottawa is the capital of Canada (which is also in Ontario)
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Tagging in some other Canadians @dr_richard_ew @laughwendylaugh @poisin_kat
I'm definitely missing people mind you
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Well there we go, I tagged laughwendylaugh after she was here and got the capital of the country mixed up. I'm in fine form today
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
For some reason your tag didnt work for me. Strange.
Anyways, I've been to Quebec city before, and yes, most people there speak French. We did find a ton of english/bilingual people there, but yes there is a lot of French.
Quebec is also supposed to be the province with the most jerks apparently. Take that with a grain of salt personally, bc I didnt encounter any jerks there (save for one lady who was fed up with me bc I was way too slow to order my food lol).
Yes, we do apologize for everything, I have noticed it on myself.
I personally have a hard time hearing accents, but I assumed that's because of my autism.
Aside from that, xvarnah covered the basics, so we can't wait to have you here! Ps: make sure to swing by the lab and I can give you a tour of all my crazy inventions and shit
laughwendylaugh · 4 years ago
xvarnah · 4 years ago
@dr_richard_ew should we refer to you as Dr Strange now?
@laughwendylaugh I see what you're doing there <.< :P
poisin_kat · 4 years ago
I'm from the GTHA (Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area) and it's pretty decent here. One thing about Canada is that you'll find we use a mixture of things. Feet and inches for height but metric for distance, Celsius for outside but Fahrenheit for in the oven, etc.
poisin_kat · 4 years ago
We usually say a persons weight in pounds, but in industrial work and stuff I believe kilograms is used? Also gallons in litres are use rather interchangeably in conversation and stuff, it's kinda weird.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Dr. Strange? I'm way cooler than that loser
nicengelman · 4 years ago
What nobody here will tell you is that most people from Canada are Canadian
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
@xvarnah thanks for the info about goose down and the health Care is gonna be my agency/consultancys problem...and yeah
The crowd won't be a problem as my home sure is more crowded (my school was 40 mins distance away so we used to hire a vehicle (Jeep) for a the year and it's capacity is 9-10 people yet there used to be minimum 18-19 students....a guy always sat on the gear Tho everyone was suspicious of him)
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
@laughwendylaugh I'm not exactly sure yet which place I'm gonna be getting admission in...but just in case I'm also learning French and I kinda know the basics now..also thanks for the info
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
@dr_richard_ew tbh I too apologise a lot..I'm having a hard time resisting myself apologizing for replying this late..also idk why but think you're a really cool guy..and I didn't know you had a lab and cool inventions...that makes you way cooler and now I'm most excited to see your lab....
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
@poisin_kat oh..that gonna be a bit confusing at the beginning...I guess these contradictions are due to the variety of people living in there?
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
@Nicengelman that too....man
xvarnah · 4 years ago
@blazingfrags I imagine it will be a LOT less crowded in that case. Not to mention something like that jeep situation would be considered illegal here since everyone wasn't wearing a seatbelt haha. So I guess there's a difference right there.
Only other things I can think of is I'm not sure if women will behave differently here than in India, and I've heard people say western food tends to taste a lot blander since we generally don't use anywhere near the number of spices. That said, Canada's a "melting pot" so chances are you'd be able to find somewhere with something to your taste if that does bother you :)
Side note - I don't think you should worry about apologizing for replying late, you are halfway round the world after all
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
I'm prefer less crowd is cold weather so I think it's gonna be perfect...and yeah we do eat food that's too spicy on a daily basis...
poisin_kat · 4 years ago
Honestly I'm not too sure why we use a variety of things, perhaps because we're close to America and have a lot of influence from them? Many of our cultural things are just offbrand American culture, I find.