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mialinay · 5 years ago
Oh no no no no
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Maybe it's Phishing Rod Manfred and he actually baits people for premium Snapchats
nicengelman · 5 years ago
"I'm your new teacher, Fishing Rod Manfred. Today we'll be discussing.....sexual...education..."
timebender25 · 5 years ago
nicengelman's name is now the FS version of Benadryl Crumplezone.
carbonatedwaffles · 5 years ago
So what you're telling me is you're not a nice angel man?
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
xvarnah you kill me. Phishing lol
nicengelman · 5 years ago
I thought it would be better to use my real name than "hewhofeedsonthenightmaresoforphans"
kcat · 5 years ago
I’ve been saying your name correctly but no way in hell I won’t see nice & gelman from now on hahah
guest_ · 5 years ago
Oh. I thought it was word play like “nice angle man.”
nicengelman · 5 years ago
lol I could see that one
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Whoever said it was right - you literally are the Benedict Cumberbatch of funsub
mialinay · 5 years ago
We do care, newbie, otherwise this chat wouldn't have 31 comments
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Who is this guy?
mialinay · 5 years ago
Whoever it was, he's gone
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Thank god
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Well all his messages have disappeared which just makes this chat look a bit odd. For anyone new to the thread someone else made comments between mine and mialinay's, and the other comments are not directed at Mr Gel Man
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Something tells me either Dave got a hold of him, or hes trying to make us all look silly
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I'm pretty sure it had to be Dave because as far as I know when you delete comments after someone posts something below it, it says "comment deleted"
kcat · 5 years ago
Yep you cannot make a username insulting our beloved Dave and stay on funsub
nicengelman · 5 years ago
I'm sure Dave got him, I just reported stuff and didn't respond to anything. I knew if he didn't get the response he wanted he'd go away.