nicengelman · 5 years ago
Sometimes if you take numerous sleep aids together it can actually make it impossible to sleep. You end up exhausted but sort of wired. I don't know if that's your situation or not
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I've heard people say that sometimes the best thing to do if you can't fall asleep is stop trying. Get up and go to another room and turn on a movie, or read a book, or something similar.
I have a horrible relationship with sleep as well so I'm hardly anyone to give advice. I've just heard people say that helps sometimes so might be worth a shot
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Ye, I usually go for walks. @nicengelman I was just a born an insomniac.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
melatonin. Or smoke some o'da ganja
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
honestly, my number one policy is quality.
nicengelman · 5 years ago
@firmlee_grasspit same here. I spent years trying to pill my way through it and I had so many nights where it was like I was too stoned to actually sleep, like where it makes your whole body uncomfortable. Have you ever actually seen a doctor about it? Insomnia is really more of a symptom than a cause so it may be related to an undiagnosed condition
cryscross · 5 years ago
Sometimes it can be a screen thing. Try if you can to stop using any screens for 2-3 hours before bed. If you have a job or hobbies where your on screens for excessive amounts of time you may also benefit from getting special filtering glasses that cut down the types of light from the screens that keep you up. Your body naturally builds melatonin from it getting dark, screen time can scramble those signals.
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Thanks for the tips, everyone. It just has been a lifetime problem. It just seems unnatural.