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nicengelman · 5 years ago
You have to have the survey module for your scanner. You switch modes, and you'll see some icons on the bottom indicating gas, mineral, or power. If one lights up then the scanner will give you the distance you need to travel, and two icons next to the reticle will indicated the direction. You follow the cues until the scanner activates and when it's done you can build extractors on that site, unless it's an electric site in which case you build an electromagnetic power thingie. It's confusing, a lot of people think you build it on the visible deposits where you use the terrain manipulator, the sites aren't actually visible to the naked eye
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Ah I c I c.
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Yeah, it's tricky, but one you get into the rhythm of it the profits are ridiculous
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I finished it. My Exo-Suit. Inventory complete. I noticed through my travels how much fucking tech I have to dig up. This is my new mission.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Oh... I got a bunch of upgrades that make getting the "quota" on the flora and fauna an actual worthy investment. I also need a bunch of buried tech. I also have close to 1,000 planets I haven't actually landed on yet. You see where this is going, right? XD Step 2.
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Lol yep. I love those scan upgrades, you start making money hand over fist.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
yeah lol. At first it's like... "why bother?" then you increase that shit 14,000% and it's like... "oh".
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
What's also nice is you can't crash an economy by making money that way >_>d
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Yeah, I had to start traveling further and further to profit off my indium farm. I've got so much money at this point it's practically broken the game for me
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I saw it spiraling the first time I sold off 9999 Cobalt. Now I'm trying to play as nice as I can economically. If I find a system that has a bunch of supremely hazardous planets/moons, little mineral value and a space station though..... Yeah I'ma fuck their economy.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
There's no reason to go back lol... so why not?
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Have you ever played Elite: Dangerous? The economy system is so elaborate it's insane. There's apps just so you can search who's paying how much for what item in a given system
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Not yet. I'm still noobing it out man lol. I accidentally built a mineral refinery on a gas deposit yesterday! I saw it though. I saw the markers... the ground is darker for the mineral deposits.... and the gas... well... mostly you can just kinda see that.
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Elite: Dangerous is a lot like No Man's Sky but it's hyper realistic, almost too much so for some people.
Also, don't forget that you can build multiple refineries for each deposit. I haven't even found a limit yet, the Indium deposit I mine from has at least 15 refineries and about 20 silos
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Ohhhh it's an entirely different game lol I thought it was like hard mode
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Lol it may as well be. It's a lot more realistic, you can only land on certain planets, not gas giants or anything, you can actually go near the stars, which you shouldn't, not only do you buy new ships but you upgrade their engines, cargo bays, weapons, everything. You can buy massive cargo haulers, transportation ships that let you ferry people around, and giant ships that carry your smaller ships. You can even have your friends dock their ships in your carrier and go out and fight massive battles together. The biggest, most prominent difference is that you don't leave your ship, so resource gathering plays a much smaller role. Eventually they're going to allow you to go it on foot, they constantly update it
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
"which you shouldn't" XD
Sounds dope though... but I enjoy exploring more than battling (those fucking space pirates won't leave me the fuck alone). I'll check it out when I can though.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
So... do you know how to dup iridium? I did that for two hour and a half sessions today... I went from 6 mil to 167 mil, and I spent at least 20 mil. I got a 24 slot A multi-tool that I'll keep until I get all the glyphs for one of those uber alien S class ones lol
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Nah, I haven't done any duping, nothing against it though. I'm taking a little break, overplayed it and got burned out, but I'd already put 200 hours in before they did the big update in August. Mostly been playing MK11 lately
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I don't see anything wrong with it, as it uses recipes in the game. They could easily fix it if they wanted too, but at the same time it also requires a bunch of large refiners and you have to be there constantly updating each one. If it were something like the Missingno hack, or a glitch of any kind I wouldn't do it... but it's not. Anyway, have fun on MK11 >_>d