metalman · 9 years ago
How've you tried hooking him up to a leash? A collar or vest type of thing?
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Just a collar. He is starting to do better but we're still having issues with him being stubborn.
metalman · 9 years ago
I see, we tried training my grandparents' dogs with collars but they refused to move or do anything so we switched to a harness (I couldn't remember the word harness that's why I said best type of thing) and they walked with it better...
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Hm. Maybe we can try switching to that until he's trained.
userrname · 9 years ago
He has to get used to the leash eventually. And we used to show them what they did wrong and make them go outside to use the bathroom. It worked well. It takes about 10-20 minutes to teach them each trick. At first you have to do it for them yourself and pet them for doing it right but after a while they get used to it and that's when you give them real treats.
userrname · 9 years ago
As for biting you have to tap them on the muzzle a big while saying things like 'no' or 'bad'
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
He's only ten weeks, but he won't stop peeing in the house. He hasn't pooped, but he pees A LOT in the house and we take hin out pretty often. I hate the idea of kennel training but did it work better for you guys?
userrname · 9 years ago
I didn't do kennel trainings. Put pee pads down until he's trained to stop peeing in the house
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
I considered that. I will probably go get them tomorrow. Did they work? Or how did you go about doing that?
userrname · 9 years ago
Yeah they worked. First they had to learn to pee on the pee pad and then we would put pee pads outside when we took them out