Song recommendations for a character?
by deleted · 5 comments 4 years ago
deleted · 4 years ago
So I created a new character for D&D the other day, and since I'm a nerd, I'm looking for theme song recommendations for her!
Her name is Catherine, but she adamantly goes by Cat. Auburn hair she wears tied back in a messy ponytail, with a bright blue bird feather woven in to match her blue eyes.
She's a paladin with a very happy-go-lucky type of personality, who is ready to take on the world and show it what she's got.
She tries very hard to balance justice with mercy whenever it can be applied, even at her own expense. Cat is spunky, optimistic, and rather a bit too trusting, as she's always looking for the good in people.
Anyone have any good theme song recommendations? :D
rydler · 4 years ago
Maw of the King and The Assembly Song
Both by Camicat on youtube
rydler · 4 years ago
Ha found it!
I have a whole playlist of songs that make me think DnD.
They might not all fit perfectly, but here you go!
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
Livin' in the sunlight, Lovin' in the moonlight by Tiny Tim
deleted · 4 years ago
I'll definitely have to give those a listen! Thanks!