interesting · 4 years ago
Not sure, I've accidentally clicked on like 4 of them. Probably taking a break from funsub until they calm down a bit.
art_with_ghost · 4 years ago
A lot happened. Careful what you say the ads are watching..... o_O
novelus · 4 years ago
Any idea what happened to cause all these ads?
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I haven't noticed any kind of uptick but I'm on mobile
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Actually I correct that. I haven't noticed an uptick in any places more disruptive than normal
dterry130 · 4 years ago
I’m on a mobile. There used to only be ads and the top and bottom of the page. Now it’s like 2 ads then a post. Hard to decipher what is post and what is ad. I think the ads are getting excessive
mialinay · 4 years ago
Lol by now it's even like
post that goes with title
mialinay · 4 years ago
By now I'm embarrassed to show others this site cause it's so infested
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
Same here @mialinay
I don't bother to show friends memes on here anymore
mialinay · 4 years ago
Yeah it just sucks
SuperDave · 4 years ago
Don’t freak out, we are testing new networks, we need to do this to see the ads that they will be showing and how intrusive they are, we already declined a few, please be patience everything will go back to normal soon. Thanx
deleted · 4 years ago
I think we'll probably keep freaking out, because ads are always intrusive and they make any website's user experience worse.
Running tests where ads cover all the content freaks us out, because it feels like the site made a massive drop in quality in an effort to squeeze money out of us.
If you don't want the users who are here daily to freak out, give us a heads up. We understand that if you own this site you have to make money to keep it running.
We want you to understand that if you ruin the site, we'll find our memes somewhere else. Half the content here has been botfarmed from Reddit anyways.