willfree · 4 years ago
He'll get impeached, but that's as far as it'll go. He'll stay in office through to the election, then...?
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Don't worry - whatever happens they'll still have the 738billion dollars for space force or whatever
interesting · 4 years ago
I'm not saying I'm a fan of trump, but the entire impeachment is a moot point... theyll never have enough votes in the Senate for it to pass. The entire thing seems very silly.
deleted · 4 years ago
I sure hope he gets impeached. Otherwise it would honestly show how little integrity the Republican Party has for protecting a man over democracy
interesting · 4 years ago
Regardless of your politcal beliefs, the Republican majority in the Senate has already staunchly stated multiple times that they wont vote to impeach... which makes the entire process in the house a moot point. The current house arguments for both sides come across more as political grandstanding at this point and a waste of tax dollars. We're paying a bunch of millionaires to argue about a billionaires integrity.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
If you're looking for integrity you've come to the wrong place.
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Lmfao he is impeached.
Ding dong The witch is Dead the wicked witch the evil witch ding dong the wicked witch is dead or impeached in this matter
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
Impeachment is equivalent to a trial. If the House finds something so damning that the Senate has to vote to convict then Trump is done. Anything borderline will not work.
tarotnathers13th · 4 years ago
I highly doubt he'll actually get removed from office.
deleted · 4 years ago
He’s been officially impeached y’all
Now we just have to hope the senate is smart enough to remove him from office
famousone · 4 years ago
And bow down to a witchhunt spearheaded by communists and fools? That'll happen.
pinballwzrd · 4 years ago
Let’s be honest. The question at the trial might be “Is he guilty?” But the vote will reflect “do you support him or not?”
famousone · 4 years ago
That's how he got impeached. Still no evidence of a crime, beyond hearsay, presumption, extrapolation, and very emotional testimonies with so little content.
bethorien · 4 years ago
hearsay isnt an arguement against anything in the real world, only on tv. Video evidence is also hearsay. Something being hearsay doesnt mean its bad evidence, it simply means its evidence from outside the courtroom.
bethorien · 4 years ago
also extrapolation tends to be the basis of most court cases and this had a much lower bar for being sure than a court case. In a criminal case all jurors have to be "without a shadow of a doubt." (tho that phrase isnt actually a legal term)
in an impeachment hearing only 2/3rds of those voting have to be at least kinda convinced what he did could have been impeachable.
bethorien · 4 years ago
there are probably a lot of videos on youtube about what an impeachment hearing actually requires and what it actually means. Most of the stuff said on the media by politicians has been extremely disingenuous on the matter.