deleted · 9 years ago
Kraft Mac n Cheese
deleted · 9 years ago
You can add an egg to ramen while it's boiling. You just have to stir it well. You'll end up with egg strands like in egg flower soup. Green onions make a good add in too, just add after cooking.
Rice and beans are cheap, as are canned tomatoes. You can mix those together for an acceptable meal.
sirspacedino · 9 years ago
Pork bunz
thethirdi · 9 years ago
I put hotdogs in ramen
kisnotundercover · 9 years ago
Hot dogs and macaroni
You could always but some chef Boyardee
Grilled cheese and canned soup is an acceptable meal
Hot sauce in ramen (the watered down kind where you don't pour out the water at ask) is good.
Home run in pizza is great
There's this stuff that my mom makes called Bully Beef(?) and it's corned beef that's been mashed, a bit of seasonings and ketchup over rice. Add tomatoes and or avocados to your liking
You can fry chicken quite easily if you have flour, oil, and stuff to season it with
deleted · 9 years ago
You can make SOS with flour and ground beef over toast. Tastes good with ketchup.
thebeginning · 9 years ago
Add cheese to your ramen it's pretty good
deleted · 9 years ago
I put cheese in my beef flavored ramen and salsa in my chicken flavored ramen i usually drain the water then add the seasoning
eleventhdoctor · 9 years ago
Fish fingers + Custard.
bunnylover · 9 years ago
Really doctor?
bunnylover · 9 years ago
And just go to buzzfeed's YouTube for fancy ramen
underyourbed · 9 years ago
I forgot what it was called but you can probably look up this book. It's by this woman who had to raise two sons with only 14 ( pounds or euros I forget ) a week for food and it's a bunch of recipes for that
obscuredangel · 9 years ago
Legume salads are delicious and high in protein. Get a can of mixed legumes add some tomatoes, feta (or other cheese), cucumber and/or palm heart.
If you do your own grocery shopping, try to by things on sale and use coupons, you can save a lot of money that way.
deleted · 9 years ago
those oversized plastic cereal bags
drunkduck · 9 years ago
Morgan buy cocoa powder eggs and butter and flour
You can make tons of mug cakes
deleted · 9 years ago
That works with nutella too