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timebender25 · 9 years ago
It's painful.
otamega · 9 years ago
Tbh I think suicide is like a cheat to life.
I mean, you were born. Might as well finish it through to the end to see what happens *shrugs*
obscuredangel · 9 years ago
Suicide is not the solution.
There is a reason you are here, a mission you have to accomplish. Whether that mission is to write an incredible book or just make someone else smile, you are here for a reason and your actions, no matter how small or big, impact the lives around you.
Don't just live for yourself, live for someone else, live for the people who would be sad to see you gone, live for the people who smile at your jokes, live for the kid who needs your help in math.
Remember that you are important, not just to others, but to yourself. You matter to you! Make yourself happy, take pleasure in the small things in life, don't be afraid to say no to others, to make your opinion known. You matter!
Things can only get better from here on out, especially if you are still young. Your whole life lays before you with countless paths. Live to see where it will take you.
obscuredangel · 9 years ago
Take the note your where going to write and talk to someone about it, talk about what you were going to write. You can talk to someone you know or a professional. I won't lie to you, the first time is going to hard, nerve racking and emotionally draining, you will doubt yourself afterwards and faces endless questions from your subconscious, but you have to (and will) pull through, because making it to the other side is worth it. I know people always say "talk about it" and I also know it's one of the hardest things you can do, but letting all out is liberating. It honestly does get better.
Living is worth it, there is always a reason to stay, no matter how small, you only have to find it.
chelseajenise · 9 years ago
you will miss new awesome movies, shows, music, and other good stuff
rarepepe · 9 years ago
>Staying alive for the silversun pickups "better nature" album
chu · 9 years ago
good god perchu the first thing you say is "orgasms"
rarepepe · 9 years ago
That was the best argument k heard though. I am grateful for Cass.
rarepepe · 9 years ago
chu · 9 years ago
thorspoptarts2 · 9 years ago
Because we'd all be heartbroken if you did.
Plus, all the little things... Sunrises, clean sheets after a shower, adorable baby animals, stupid jokes that make you laugh anyway, reading good books on snowy winter days under far too many blankets, sneaking your favorite candy into the movie theater, wearing weird hats and not giving a hoot what other people think, the nice clean smell of laundry just out of the dryer, the wind in your face and the buzz in your stomach as you ride a bike down a huge hill...
You know, life.
Keep adding to your pile of good things. Maybe someday, you'll be able to see that no matter how few they seem, they always outweigh the bad things.
timebender25 · 9 years ago
I'm getting spammed with messages from this. Plus, he/she said NOT cliche.
thorspoptarts2 · 9 years ago
I didn't think mine was cliche... I was just trying to help... :'(
timebender25 · 9 years ago
It's been said before. Try saying something original.
thorspoptarts2 · 9 years ago
Well, fine then.
'Because you're bloody frickin awesome, and someday you might end up saving the world-- plus the world would spiral into a void without you. :) '
rarepepe · 9 years ago
Hey hey you can unfollow the chat, I like what you said. Thank you
thorspoptarts2 · 9 years ago
Thanks! I really meant both of them, though! Who knows? You might save the world someday! :)
timebender25 · 9 years ago
There is a button below the "Post Message" button. It's got a WIFI sign at icon and says "Unfollow Chat". Click it. You have successfully ungollowed the chat.
timebender25 · 9 years ago
deleted · 9 years ago
Get a motorcycle. It will change your life. Maybe we can take a ride sometime together. But if you need a reason all you need do is look around.