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draugrdeathoverlor · 4 years ago
My husband has but I haven't. :(
nicengelman · 4 years ago
It's fucking killing me
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Sorry to say this dude, but stringfish leaves at the end of March... which is right now
nicengelman · 4 years ago
I know, I've been spamming it every night, that's why it's such an issue
nicengelman · 4 years ago
It's not worth time travelling for
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
It's ok, I never got it either
nicengelman · 4 years ago
nicengelman · 4 years ago
I burned the last of my hundreds of bait, said "well I've got 15 minutes" so I grabbed a few clams, crafted the bait and caught the motherfucking stringfish! Then I remembered I hadn't caught a sturgeon yet so I went to the river mouth, used my last bait and one popped right out!!! I'm am god!
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Jesus, GG dude
nicengelman · 4 years ago
I'm a grown ass man jumping around my apartment because of digital fish Jesus Christ
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I gave up and moved on to April I figured I will catch him when I make it back around lol
mrscollector · 4 years ago
And yes I’m cheating lol
nicengelman · 4 years ago
I had a feeling like if I was ever going to catch it, it would be at the last minute. Came pretty damn close
nicengelman · 4 years ago
@mrscollector honestly I had considered time travel but I was so frustrated with this fish I wanted a reason to give up
hyperion · 4 years ago
Caught all string fish being last. Caught it yesterday. For now i am moving my whole town all over the place
nicengelman · 4 years ago
draugrdeathoverlor · 4 years ago
I just spent 80 bait. Didn't get it. Midnight in an hour for me
hyperion · 4 years ago
String fish is located at the top of the highest part of your island.
kcat · 4 years ago
Awww y’all are so cute, @nicengelman congrats on your fish babe x
nicengelman · 4 years ago
Thank you, thank you very much lol