jasonmon · 4 years ago
So you should have a 34ft^2 bubble around you. Here is the most ridiculous example of this I've seen yet:
carbonatedwaffles · 4 years ago
cryoenthusiast · 4 years ago
waht confuses me is the "keep 6ft/2m away from the other person". Does that mean both of us have a radius of 6ft/2m around us and the closest we can get is when the bubbles overlap and the distance between the two is 6ft/2m OR does it mean never let the bubbles over lap and the closest we can get is 12ft/3-4m diameter.
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Spoiler alert: no one knows for sure. The novel coronavirus is too new for anyone to know what distance is okay. Six feet is arbitrary, but it's probably better than three feet and probably not as good as nine feet.
For now, all we know is that coronavirus droplets in the air can absolutely infect you.
Use common sense and stay safe out there, friend!
karlboll · 4 years ago
Wait, it's 2 meters? And here I am in the middle of nowhere trying to stay 2 miles from everyone like an idiot.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Just stay far enough away that if a person has a coughing fit you won't be inhaling their diseased spores
adam44 · 4 years ago
This is ridiculous.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Just be like me and stay tf away from people