mrscollector · 4 years ago
Let’s see
Dad died in 2016 wasn’t able to go to funeral because I live in California and rest family live in Texas. Still having trouble getting over it. I was a huge Daddy’s girl.
Mom got cancer and died with in a year just last January. I asked her repeatedly should I go to help and she said no. Her funeral came and I couldn’t face it so I stayed home. (Still states away)
Covid hit and I am a very social person I developed depression when I was 19 all thanks to being locked up at my brothers in the country for half a year I probably got out the house once a month. So I got cabin fever which grew to depression so now my big fever is how easy I will slip into cabin fever and even easier into depression due to the loss of both my parents.
I and my favorite aunts house burned down.
I also had to get rid of all my fur babies but 1 cat and my dog a day before my birthday last August and I still am not over that.
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I worry about bills and all sorts of things and eventually I am going to snap.
I really need this covid shit to be over soon.
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I forgot to mention the fact my biggest fear came true see I am 1 girl of 6 kids so I have 5 brothers and I was always the last thought when it came to anything with them. I was last to join D&D with them even though I have younger siblings. I am either left behind or last to go when they would go to movies or anything.
I would talk to my mom every week sometimes more than once. My brothers never called me I tried calling them but nothing from them. BUT O GUESS WHAT they call each other every day!!!
I knew when my mom died I would never hear from them unless it was to say mom is gone and sure enough that is what it was.
Sorry sorry lol I guess I needed to rant I’m good now. Lol guess you wasn’t expecting this lol
who_cares · 4 years ago
How can we help you? @mrscollector
who_cares · 4 years ago
also @vercalerio you okay?
jingle · 4 years ago
We're here for you @vercalerio @mrscollector and anyone else who's going through a rough time
vercalerio · 4 years ago
@mrscollector now that I have read what you've been through... My problems wouldn't sound so serious
@who_cares just had a problem with my friend. Now he doesn't seem to talk to me. I feel bad but I guess it will be over soon. I guess with all of this going on, the virus and quarantine, most of us are having our past problems visit us and even small downs (such as mine) feel like a big deal...
I think it's just the byproduct of staying at one place for a long time now... So I hope it will be over soon.