dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
I'm still not gonna get the game bc I'm not into that style of game but ngl I'm super impressed with that song 'speed of light'. Idk why, maybe it just reminds me of persona 4's OST, but kudos to those developers man
timebender25 · 4 years ago
I only see them when using my phone, and rarely have the volume on.
timebender25 · 4 years ago
The most I know about it came from a promotional video by Alpharad.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Most of them are not good, but take my advice, if you see the one with the anime style cutscene (you'll know it bc it has dudes with guns shooting a penguin... I wish I was kidding), go ahead and listen to the song in the background bc its low key kinda good
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Also I just want to say this;
I subject myself to bad mobile game ads all the time on youtube to avoid the wrath of google chromebook. I've seen the ads for this game. The OTHER ads. And yeah... they're BAAAAAD. Forced dialogue, people pretending to be overhyped youtubers, dumb marketing ('all alone at your sad job?' Esque marketing), all the usual works. I know that this game is about, I'm not blind.
But this one ad I saw... shoot me in the face and call me Sally, it's really good.
Also give them some credit, they show actual footage of the game in some of their ads instead of other bad mobile game ads, ESPECIALLY mafia city esque games
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Also @timebender25 I just checked that video and... wow alpha sounded like he was being held at gunpoint through it lol.
From what I've heard from genuine fans the games not bad (seems like a weird pvz + bloons style game with anime people and an actual decent story), but the ads are total crap... minus this one I'm mentioning lol
timebender25 · 4 years ago
lmao, Alpha is a massive shitposter in all his content. That kinda thing is the kinda thing he's play up instead of play down like every other youtuber ever.
His sense of humour is, wack as hell. Not in a dark way, in an ironic irony kinda way. I a fan of both his channels.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
I've seen some of his videos before but idk, he sounded way more forced in this one. Maybe that was the joke though and I'm wooshing real hard lol
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Speaking of which I should link the actual ad I'm mentioning instead of trying to convince people who havent seen it lol
The version that plays for me doesn't have dialog and is instead just the song, but I cant find that anywhere, so you'll just have to suffer through dialog like I did