that_creepy_guy · 4 years ago
As with most movements I can agree and disagree with what they are doing and what their goals are. It's something that needs to happen, but defunding entire police stations isn't great. The implementation of new practices, punishments and responsibilities is great, having a few bad apples starting riots, not the greatest.
tarotnathers13th · 4 years ago
Protests good, riots bad, demands for accountability and responsibility good, abolishing police is a can of worms that I can't really see ending well in any fashion. Defunding is something I'm ambivalent towards.
metalman · 4 years ago
I honestly think the protests are needed but rioting is bad. I also think that rather than defunding the police they should move the funds to another aspect of the police force. I'd rather see the money go towards de-escalation training, defensive martial arts training, and better firearm training. Honestly the ability to just show up and put in an application to become an officer is ridiculous. The officers should have an increase in pay but also have an increase of responsibility and accountability. A better professionalization is in order imo.
turn_down_for_now · 4 years ago
I think officers need mental health evaluations @metalman. Y'all are making good points.
metalman · 4 years ago
I agree 100%. There was a police station here recently (this could've been debunked but i haven't seen that it was yet) that had emails leaked of them turning down potential officers for having too high of an IQ because "if they're too smart they'll leave." I think police reform is necessary but i also think the legislatures throughout the country need to step up and correct these backwards laws and that the judicial system needs to update the archaic system in place where a judge can arbitrarily set high prison sentences just because they've had a bad day.
spazz · 4 years ago
I think it's a good movement with good ideology, but the message is ruined when looters use it to their advantage and hide behind it for their own benefit.
spazz · 4 years ago
I think it's a good movement with good ideology, but the message is ruined when looters use it to their advantage and hide behind it for their own benefit.
turn_down_for_now · 4 years ago
There are going to be selfish people in any situation. I just think focusing on looters and rioters is a ploy to dilute the real push for change.
deleted · 4 years ago
I can't believe in 2020 humans need to say that their lives matter. I'm pissed at humanity.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Fire is mesmerizing.