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SuperDave · 3 years ago
What do you need to create the official discord server for FS, also please make me founder.
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
Are we looking to make a new FS server or upgrade the current one?
catfluff · 3 years ago
catfluff · 3 years ago
Maybe with like two sections or something
SuperDave · 3 years ago
I don’t have control over the current one so I guess new server.
savage_demmigod · 3 years ago
Oooo I look forward to this
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
Okay, I am currently away from home until tomorrow, so I will get to work on it tomorrow after work if that is okay
SuperDave · 3 years ago
sure that's ok. If you need an email to make me founder please use [email protected] Thanx
hyperion · 3 years ago
I currently manage the one we have. Of course the original founder for ours was Timebender.
I can set up a new server.
You have my email so email me whenever and we can go ahead and put whatever you need to put and what is recommended
You can own it. If anything we can set it up together so you can tell me what you want on it and I can show you how to use the bots
Fairly easy so you shouldn't have issues handling it
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
When I was in the FS discord back in the day (all of my servers got deleted so maybe one day I'll get back in) Hyperion was very good at what they were doing so I would recommend them as it sounds like you already have each others contact information and I have full confidence in them.
SuperDave · 3 years ago
@that_creepy_guy thank you. @hyperion please send me an email real quick so we can start the process.
creativedragonbaby · 3 years ago
I have quite good experience with discord in regards to roles, permissions, etc.
Not that much of a coder so can't do bots unfortunately.
mrfahrenheit · 3 years ago
yeah im pretty experienced
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
That is a good point brough up by CDB , Not sure how good of a coder Hyperion is but I can create bots if you need. (Not doubting you Hyp, Just don't actually know Lol)
creativedragonbaby · 3 years ago
Another option is the MEE6 bot. I’ve seen that used a lot in many servers and it seems to have a lot of functions
timebender25 · 3 years ago
MEE6 is a powerful bot, but YAGPDB had a more intuitive backend, with it's own website that doesn't require you go through commands in a channel.
timebender25 · 3 years ago
And can I, uh...Get an invite to the server? I never saved one because I didn't think it was ever right to come back.
timebender25 · 3 years ago
Thank you
jasonmon · 3 years ago
I am sure I speak for everyone when I say you are definitely welcome on either server, @timebender25. It's okay to get burnt out and you handled it well enough, IMO. Besides, that was a while ago. Welcome back!