mialinay · 3 years ago
Whaat what happened? Means you missed the whole covid drama?
xvarnah · 3 years ago
I imagine he got subjected to a particularly brutal kind of covid drama tbh
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
Wow so you went straight from lemon memes to this? You're like... A reverse time capsule!
cakelover · 3 years ago
Welcome back, how's it going?
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
What happened? How was it on the inside?
creativedragonbaby · 3 years ago
Do you want an invite to the discord is the real wuestiont
rosalinas · 3 years ago
I'm so curious
But glad you're out now
jasonmon · 3 years ago
Welcome back, friendo! I was wondering what the h*ck happened to you. Dig in and catch up!
alekazam · 3 years ago
Hey everyone, nice to be remembered lol. It’s a bit of a story but the short version is I was partying too often and way too heavy, got caught with a lot of acid. Went to jail for 11 months. And yeah, @mialinay & @xvarnah I’m very familiar with covid drama lol. Was in work release, but no one allowed to work so forced prison labor lol
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Well welcome back, man
mialinay · 3 years ago
Dude that sucks. Did you "learn your lesson"?
mialinay · 3 years ago
And where are you from? How's jail there?
jasonmon · 3 years ago
Gah! So you went to jail with the option for work release, but because of dumb covid they'd bus you upstate for hard labor? That is, like, definitely the opposite of work release. Sorry man. I'm glad it's in the rearview for you. Is your probation officer nice at least?
alekazam · 3 years ago
@jasonmon well they didn’t bus me upstate, by prison labor I mean working in the kitchen in a county jail (I had to make it sound tough) and I was in the work release building, just not able to see my family or goto work. @mialinay in America, prison not nearly as bad as it could be, Idk if I learned a lesson but I learned how to bridge a deck of cards and play some different card games
guest_ · 3 years ago
Welcome back. Your presence was missed. The “lesson” is don’t get caught next time. I kid. Glad you’re out and hope things can get sorted and aren’t knocked too far out of whack for you. You’ll have a lot of memes to read, so at least you won’t run out of content for awhile, and under the circumstances I don’t think it would be poor form if you necro any comment threads. Lol.
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
Wow, and here I was thinking I had a bad 2020...