karlboll · 3 years ago
Ooh, drumming sounds like fun. I'm picking up the guitar again after fifteen years and I'm struggling to relearn pacing.
bensen · 3 years ago
It was heaps of fun :D Mum lent me her cymbal she got from a Queen concert and the lesson’s happening every Monday!
cakelover · 3 years ago
Your mum got a Queen cymbal?
As in one of Roger Taylor's actual cymbals?
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
First, no need to say sorry.
Second, drumming sounds lovely..... (hehe i make a little pun)
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
Never apologize for posting twice :D
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
Ya and if you do, we all will drum you ....(hehe i make another jokes)
bensen · 3 years ago
Today is Dance & Stretch class!
karlboll · 3 years ago
I would also like to know if you drumming on Roger Taylor's actual cymbal because .. reasons.
bensen · 3 years ago
Unfortunate it was cancelled for today as nobody was available to take the class :(
No it’s not that one, it’s a black circle you can bang on with the Queen logo on it
Sorry to disappoint :/
bensen · 3 years ago
Mum does have an actual guitar pick Brian May used she wears as a necklace :) I love my Mum <3
cakelover · 3 years ago
That's still pretty cool. Brian May is right up there with the best, and he's smart outside of music as well
karlboll · 3 years ago
I'm not disappointed, your mom sounds really cool <3