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xvarnah · 3 years ago
@thatguyyouknow and @omar1992
As near as I can tell the only reason behind it is laziness and jealousy.
In almost all scenarios there is no reason to change a character to an extreme for "political correctness."
I don't want to see a female James bond. I don't need an obese Wonder woman. I outright object anyone desiring to turn Frozone into a white guy. And the same is true in reverse.
Why turn Indiana Jones into a woman when you could create a character like Lara Croft? They could have just done something like turned Wolverine black instead of creating a character like Black Panther - and we would have been worse off for it.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
People don't want to put the effort in, though. They want to pollute source material to make easy money, and leech off other peoples' talent, and then screech "Istaphobe!" At anyone who questions it
And the funniest part is - people out there are creating diversified characters on their own. And just good new OC in general. But if they don't do it exactly the way the big corporations (and the twittiots) want, they get shut out by the media and the stores
deleted · 3 years ago
Exactly I also think it is sexist against women. Because it means that the effort put in to make a woman even likeable, on screen is relatively less than their male counterpart. For a viewer, a woman will be seen as arrogant, rude and invincible. So, how will you grow the character from here. Look at captain marvel, charlie's angel and men in black international. Somehow, being anti-man, rude and arrogant is a symbol of strength for hollywood.
Same goes for black characters. They must be anti-white or superior. Those are considered character traits funnily enough. Don't even get started on gay characters.
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
That's because they are written as characters who are going to be like that. They put these characters in a box and expect that to be their whole personality. A gay man talking about how man people they have had sex with is equally annoying as a straight guy talking about how many chicks he has banged. That's because one dimensional characters never work, unless they have a minor role in the story.
The secret to writing any character of any race or gender is to write them as a human being. An actual person, and not just a walking stereotype. But putting people into boxes is more easier than writing a well rounded character.
The Fast and the Furious franchise for example. Try telling a difference between between the characters of Vin Diesel, The Rock and Jason Statham's characters, apart from the fact that look slightly different.
deleted · 3 years ago
There is a lot to say about that topic. Look at my favourite female character: Ellen Ripley. The development of her character is the best I've seen. The Ripley from the first Alien is unlike the one in the third. It showcased a massive growth. Look at Ethan Hawke in Training day. Also all movies by Antoine Fuqua, Spike Lee and the Nolan brothers.
deleted · 3 years ago
I also believe that actresses, gay actors and black actors are encouraged to spit out anti-white, anti-man statements so that studios feel compelled to hire them. Brie Larson, Tessa Thompson, director Jordan Peele and the like. If a producer don't hire them, he/she is then accused of discrimination and an army of sjw cucks will rise from twitter to cancel him/ her.
deleted · 3 years ago
Also, why do movies always have crude sex scenes in them? Recently, I watched 2 movies, 1 of which I highly recommend. The movies are Mayhem (which I recommend) and War on Everyone. The second one was funny but had a lot of those crude sex scenes in them. They don't even advance the plot. Mayhem was hilarious but they can't help but put a woman being taken from behind in the background in one scene. My dad and I watch a lot of comedies so I'm in a position where I have to pre-watch all movies which were released after 2014 to see whether there are those scenes in them.
anjelsweet · 3 years ago
There is a comic book based on a black superman , with a completely different storyline to the original the movie is based on that , I've actually been waiting for this ,nits a good comic.
anjelsweet · 3 years ago
There is a comic book based on a black superman , with a completely different storyline to the original , the movie is based on that , I've actually been waiting for this , its a good comic.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
@omar1992 I mean, Mulan is a good example.
Instead of the cartoon version where Mulan was a female - and she fucking STRUGGLED to keep pace in a world of men (and had to work twice as hard to keep up a lot of the time), but she earned every inch she got.... Disney apparently gave us magical mystical whateverthefuckery.
A symbol of actual badassery was demoted to "magickal wahman."
I won't touch Captain Marvel because the way they pushed it - and almost everything Brie Larson has said or done since then - is asinine and infantilizing and toxic.
The fact that people are so willing to swallow the hate directed toward men from characters and call it "empowerment" is honestly disgusting and pathetic
xvarnah · 3 years ago
As for the sex scenes, idk why that picked up to such a degree, but honestly a lot of the times it is tedious
I gave some show on Netflix a shot. Can't remember what it's called - had to do with ballerinas. I quit after I think 3 episodes. The plot was disappointed enough
, but literally every 10 minutes it seemed, someone was fucking.
Nothing against the occasional sex scene, but at some point you have to look in the mirror and admit you don't have a story to tell, you're exclusively there to grab cash. And if I wanted porn, there's places that can do it much better than Netflix
thatguyyouknow · 3 years ago
So much to read, can someone summarise
deleted · 3 years ago
What @anjelsweet wrote, the rest is a lot of guesswork and the usual straw men, seasoned with a pinch of white men victimization. Of course WB hopes for a wokeness bonus but hey, it seems it's widely appreciated
xvarnah · 3 years ago
@thatguyyouknow to summarize (which is unfortunate to do because they make some valid points)
And you guys can correct me if I misrepresent or leave something out
@Spookykink58's main points:
-The thing about Michael B Jordan playing superman is currently nothing more than a rumor
-Michael expressed interest in playing Calvin Ellis, a black equivalent of superman already in existence
-Hollywood doesn't care about politics, only money
-it's easier to write stereotypes than fleshed out characters
@Omar1992's main points:
-They seem incapable of writing original black or female characters and instead piggyback on the success of characters already in existence OR make them so hyper-powerful there is no room for character development
-actors of "minorities" are encouraged to say anti-white rhetoric / descrimination / cancel culture
-Why are there so many sex scenes now?
xvarnah · 3 years ago
My main points were largely in line ^
-Laziness is the culprit behind blackwashing/vagina-washing characters
-it's entirely unnecessary, and actually has the potential to deny us new characters and plotlines we would miss otherwise
-a lot of the "empowered wahmen" characters are as boring and demeaning as they are toxic and ridiculous
-People would rather screech and whine about istaphobes (darkness_within was kind enough to prove this point for me, so kudos to them for that) than actually acknowledge or try to fix the problems
-Pornhub etc > Netflix
thatguyyouknow · 3 years ago
You and famousone are some of the few people here that speak the truth
xvarnah · 3 years ago
We just call things like we see them I think haha
thatguyyouknow · 3 years ago
I'm on your guys side
deleted · 3 years ago
Wow.. @xvarnah should be a moderator in any debate. I think the Trump - Biden debate would have ended fairly quickly.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Lol I'm not sure about that, but I appreciate you saying it :)
I'm also fairly certain a lobotomized sea anemone could have done a better job moderating that debate