xvarnah · 3 years ago
If you're talking the mainstream media... no.
It's all one big circlejerk for the most part, and typically mainstream and companies will only talk about it or try and cancel the company/person if there is already an agenda against that person.
Otherwise it has to get pretty damn extreme for them to be forced to talk about it, and even when it is, it will usually be downplayed, excused, and swept under the rug.
CIP: Cuties. Which was created by pedophiles, for pedophiles, marketed as art because black woman was involved, sexually exploited at least several dozen minors - and was promoted on YouTube and barely talked about by the mainstream (and only after it had already been covered extensively by much more honest, but smaller indie companies)
adam44 · 3 years ago
I haven't heard of Patriot Act being cancelled. What happened?
thatguyyouknow · 3 years ago
I haven't heard of this Patriot Act
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
It’s Hasan Minaj’s old show. His material was very good but I think he threw a little too much innovation into the format.
thatguyyouknow · 3 years ago
I have no idea who that is
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
He was on the Daily Show for a while. He does multi-media heavy standup routines. You should be able to find his stuff on Netflix.
thatguyyouknow · 3 years ago
This must be an American show
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
Yes, it does cover some non-US topics but it is very America focused.