funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
:/ I hope she gets better soon..
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
It’s natural to be scared. Take a moment and take some deep breaths. Think about all the things she has done to avoid Corona and trust that they worked. Cold are still a thing, after all. Let me tell you a story. I’ll start a new comment to do so.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
When I was a kid (around 5) my first friend lived across the street. Her name was Melanie. She was blond and pretty and we used to be inseparable. Then she moved and this awful family moved in with this brown haired girl that I didn’t want living in Melanie’s house. I refused to ever cross the street to meet. Over the next 15 years we came to really dislike the people in that family. They were weird and always had way too many people at their house which made my parents mad because they had no place to park.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
When I got older I moved out and I ended up with this really cool sporty car in my favorite color. I wasn’t living at home anymore so I drove it back to my Mom’s house (my parents weren’t together anymore) and parked it in front of her house. The younger daughter of that weird family had just started learning to drive and backed right into it. Didn’t destroy it but made it ugly. I was really angry about that. Insurance fixed the damage but that didn’t make it right.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
Fast forward another 15 years. My mother passed away and now I owned her house. I didn’t really pay much attention to it because I had just started a family of my own. I had a two year old daughter and a nine month old son. I spent the next couple of years coming
to the realization that my wife and i were not compatible. So, I moved back.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
I lived there for a couple of years before my daughter and son realized there were two kids their age right across the street. In that same house where Melanie lived. They became great friends. And me? I got to meet their Mom. She was the same one who backed into my car when she was a teenager. Turns out they were a generational family home which is why there were always so many people there and annoyed my parents over parking.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
And that little brown haired girl who dared to replace Melanie? Her name was Lisa and she was the best Aunt I’ve ever seen. She baked the most delicious cakes I’ve ever eaten and as a bonus they were decorated like a professional. I’m talking replica of the Sydney Opera house level cakes.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
But Lisa wasn’t still there because of the family thing. She was severely diabetic. She had a service dog named Harrigan who would jump her if her blood sugar went too low. She didn’t care, though, she kept baking cakes she couldn’t eat and dealing with insulin pumps and stick on medication and whatever came at her. She taught me that chronic illness is something to be tolerated, not feared.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
As a bonus it turns out she has freckles, which if she had told me in the first place I probably wouldn’t have worried about the Melanie thing.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
I hope this story was a bit of a distraction from what you are going through. I’m sure you will be fine, I just don’t want you to stress too much.
catfluff · 3 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that you are having a stressful time @bensen.
I'll talk about the covid/cold thing now, but first I wanted to say that from your previous posts it seems that your blood sugar has been doing well, and even when it did do less well you seem to take good care of your body by paying attention to what the doctor says and working to improve it, so I'm sure it will all be okay in the end <3
Secondly, @scatmandingo is right, common colds still exist too <3 a while ago I've had a bad throat sore and stuffy nose and a cough but tested negative for corona, so it turned out to be just a cold. I still have a stuffy nose and a light cough but it helps me to know that it's not coco and it will pass.
Also, @scatmandingo is right, all of your efforts to help combat coco has helped to avoid it thus far, and if something slipped through there's a good chance that it is just a cold or flu, especially cause the seasons are changing now and it's more common <3
catfluff · 3 years ago
Also @bensen where is your username from? :3
bensen · 3 years ago
When I was sick in hospital I thought I was benson from regular show only I spelled it with an e because my real name is Jennifer! (Ben-Jen) I also called my character name bensen Fraggle because I love Fraggle rock
Thanks so much for the fun story I loved it!
Doctor says I need 3 diabetes pills in the morning now to keep blood sugar levels low and also have very slight high cholesterol :(
Mum and Dad got tested yesterday and are both ok so dads going back to work tomorrow after two days off sick
bensen · 3 years ago
Also I thought benSON sounded like the son of somebody and Sen is better because it sounds like you were sent from above which kept me happy when I was sick
I had a slight case of psychosis and was acting irrationally :( glad those dark days are behind me
catfluff · 3 years ago
That's such a cool backstory to your name!
Glad your mum and dad are ok, and I'm sorry to hear that you have to take more meds :(