abel_hazard · 3 years ago
Good lord. That sucks. Have they given you an expected recovery plan/path?
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
It happened like 2 months ago, just went to the doctor earlier today as the pain hadn't gone away, they said 2 weeks of pain management, if that doesn't work, physical therapy, if that doesn't work, surgery (I refuse to take opiates, as that was the step recommended after physical therapy).
abel_hazard · 3 years ago
Yeah, avoid opiates where possible. I’ve had opiate/opioid complications crop up with several family members. Plus, I have lived with someone in withdrawal (weaning off an originally sorely-needed pain med) and it is no picnic for anyone involved.
abel_hazard · 3 years ago
Still, hoping one of the 1st two steps works out.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Aye. This mild pain med is working very well, it says take it every 12 hours, but it's been 20 hrs and it's just wearing off.
abel_hazard · 3 years ago
Anytime you can be less dependent on the meds is a bonus.