funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
I don't get that; at all. I feel like it's taking a test, which I've also always felt great about. I think of them more as games; yeah I might lose, but likely not, and if I do, so what? Now... public speaking... that's a WHOLE other animal. I hate public speaking.
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
I once forgot my poem while on stage
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Yeah, that's a scar for life.
My worst was when I did the script for a 45 min presentation between 4 people on voter fraud. I knew one was learning English as a second language so I gave him the easiest points; and then I swooped in with the last 40 seconds and dropped 3 sentences and ended the argument, with all the stats right there. We were all supposed to have equal talking time, but I knew he'd struggle just getting the words out, so I was sitting there looking at the clock and the professor (who had to ask everyone to sit for an extra 5 min, hence 45), and I had to wrap it up with my 3 sentences on the fly. I had a whole hilarious daily show bit I was gonna show in the middle. Basically for 43 min I was just standing there awkward AF. I asked my professor to read the script I wrote and watch the video before making his judgement on our performance as a whole. I got a 95? W/... an A. Not an A+, but an A.
I was terrified the entire time; sweating my ass off; running scenarios
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Seeing that clock tick, knowing we wouldn't finish before the class period was over; because everyone else was too fucking lazy to even read off a powerpoint and elaborate in the slightest; they are SO lucky I had my ace in the hole the whole time. The 2nd worst isn't far off from that; our college speech group met at a hotel cuz one of our group members did the check in and other dude didn't give a shit; so, since he was a former air force pilot I convinced him to trash the F-35 program (not the plane, the absurd cost and why), and then I gave a speech about the budget in which I both said "I was drunk" and "we did this last night". Got an A+ on that... but I think that's more because of humor found by her rather than the content. She hit on both us right after (she was recently divorced, so... ).
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
As for embarrassment; my GF broke up with me the day band was playing a pep rally, so there I was on the trombone in front of the whole school, red eye's, crying, earning my chair. I still cannot believe she did it that day of all fucking days. I was fighting sobs the entire goddamn time. I wailed a few times in classes before; specifically in biology, which was right after lunch... when I had to see her. My lip never curled; butfor years my heart was cold and my head was just... numb. I'd go through the motions of playing basketball, but I stopped improvising and just ran the system getting the ball to the next guy in a pattern. It nearly broke me. On top of not being able to build so much chemistry with my teammates due to having to go visit my dad (a horrible place) for summers, I was suppressed. Then... everything changed. It took one summer and I became a monster on the court, my self-confidence skyrocketed, and I basically became the Godfather for not just my class, but the
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
underclassmen around me; an impact that is vibrating to this day >_>/
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
I guess... my point is... don't think about the leap, just take the leap. It's not the only opportunity out there for the rest of your life; even if you do get damage either you get healed and learn, or you don't and you don't have to worry anymore; even though there is no need to worry in the first place. It's because you want it so much; that's the feeling. It's not everyone around you, it's yourself. You're afraid of disappointing yourself. 15 years ago I thought I'd be directing movies, writing books and banging Olivia Wilde in a sauna with rocks covered in hash oil in my batman house only accessible by air or my cool batcave for my yacht. Guess what? On that front, younger me wouldn't be mad at present me, because for allllll the shit; it has helped made the idea for a story that younger me had even better through trials and tribulation.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Serious question? Do you know how to climb a tree? If you do, go find a big ass tree and nap on it like you're a jaguar or a leopard. If you don't, learn how to climb a tree.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
sorry for the spam, just... yeah
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Oh and I don't mean like... youtube how to climb a tree. Fuck that. Go outside, find something say to yourself you can climb it, and then do it. Yeah, you'll prolly hurt yourself; which will make it all the more worthwhile when you finally do it.
deleted · 3 years ago
Haha, yes, I grew up climbing trees. Unfortunately it's way too hot to want to go outside because I don't really sweat so I struggle to regulate my temperature when I'm hot.
Interview is over. I know there were a minimum of two other applicants and there were 4 positions open. I am a little worried about when they asked how I felt about overtime. I'm fine with it as long as it's optional, but this is an hourly job. I hope they aren't expecting me to be on call for this position if I do get it, because again, it's hourly, not salary. (granted OT pay would be about $27 an hour, sooo...)
deleted · 3 years ago
@funkmasterrex is feeling philosophical today. But Olivia Wilde man, come on.
jasonmon · 3 years ago
Good luck, @riyriamistborn! I'm glad the interview is over and you can breathe again. Hopefully you got the sense that the people you'd be working with are good humans.
deleted · 3 years ago
Well, I got the position! Nervous as heck and not sure if I'll enjoy it, but the pay will be nice!
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
Thats awesome Riy!!!!
I’ve never climbed any trees so ya thats on the bucket list
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
yo olivia wilde given that look she gives in tron legacy on the couch gives me a raging clue.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
@riyriamistborn You'll prolly get it if there were 4 slots open; no need to fret!