jd1984_1 · 3 years ago
You do you, but I instantly know we have nothing in common. Enjoy.
shurikkaru · 3 years ago
If you are looking for simple comedy, I hope it’s something you enjoy. Greatest show of all time? Not even in the top 100. That show is like jangling keys in front of a toddler. That’s all it’s meant to be
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
Its good. Idk about earlier seasons but the recents one with dc crossovers and that teen titans vs teen titans go series, jokes about how they know ttg is bad but still gets good rating than what tt got.
And then theres that The night begins to shine episode
calvinoot · 3 years ago
I found it really funny as a kid, didn't get all the hate till I realised what it's source was. It's a fine show on it's own and very funny! The hate it gets is mostly because of it twisting the characters and plot from the original series to be something completely different. Teen Titans slaps, and Teen Titans Go is funny. I'm glad someone can enjoy their show without fear of the hatred TT fans have toward it :)
bensen · 3 years ago
I like it because it’s a parody of the original series! And just because we’re different doesn’t mean we can’t be friends :)