deleted · 3 years ago
This community has helped me through some hard times, some of them i am still going through but ultimately that community is mostly no longer here, i will truly miss some of you and hope the best for you all, goodbye
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
Yep, it was fun. Not so much lately, but to a degree yeah. I am just glad that I got to experience the site in it's hayday.
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
Plus the memes are either regurgitated Facebook memes or regurgitated Reddit memes.
nicengelman · 3 years ago
That's literally two losses in one day. So far.
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
I'm gonna miss you my dude
nicengelman · 3 years ago
@condor1990 maybe just take a few days and see how you feel?
famousone · 3 years ago
Have a nice life.