nicengelman · 3 years ago
My Friday is nowhere near as overwhelmingly dire as yours, are you managing? Do you want to talk about it off of funsub? Please vent all you need to here
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Reading this has broken my brain, so I can only imagine how much worse this must be effecting you. Do you want to talk about it?
adam44 · 3 years ago
We're all here for you.
deleted · 3 years ago
It's definitely a lot to take in for sure, and it's still just starting to hit me and sink in.
My aunt had MS, and was diagnosed with it even before I was born (which was nearly 30 years ago). I frequently look after her when my uncle goes out of state to visit their daughter back east. The disease has progressed enough that Cindy has been bedridden for the last several years, so she's not able to get herself food or manage her cpap machine at night. I do that for her a few weeks out of the year, and spend the night there in case she needs anything. For the last few months, she's had a wound that hasn't been healing. It's developed an infection which has spread to her brain, and she's not particularly coherent right now and is very lethargic. The prognosis is not good. The doctors don't know if she'll last two days, or a month, but my uncle and cousins are making end of life plans for her.
deleted · 3 years ago
As for the other, the link above describes what happened. The three year old in the story is my cousin's (different cousin from Cindy's kids, but still same side of the family, my dad's side) son, and the surviving man is her husband. The man that was killed was his friend and boss.
nicengelman · 3 years ago
You sound like you've been an amazing niece. I'm really sorry Cindy is doing poorly but at least all the burden of her condition will be lifted. She's had a really rough go of things, it seems.
deleted · 3 years ago
She definitely has. But she's always had a positive outlook. I've never once heard her complain about her situation or her condition.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
That's a lot. The poor 3 year old and the mother must be absolutely devastated. Your uncle too, for that matter
How are you holding up?
catfluff · 3 years ago
Heya, just checking in, how's life?
deleted · 3 years ago
Spent the last several days decompressing on vacation in Yellowstone. Aunt's funeral will be this Saturday
adam44 · 3 years ago
Good to hear. A lot of us are hoping you the weight has gotten lighter.
deleted · 3 years ago
Yellowstone definitely helped. It's my favorite National Park, and I got some good hikes in over the weekend. Probably ended up hiking somewhere around 20-22 miles over 3 days
adam44 · 3 years ago
That's impressive.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
My friend loves hiking etc to get away from stress. "Into the forest I go, to lose myself and find my soul" is a thing he recites a lot
I'm glad it helped. This is some very heavy stuff you're dealing with