nicengelman · 3 years ago
You're going to need an assload of potions and weapons enchanted with absorb magic. I enjoy alchemy and enchanting already but I don't consider the atronach a good sign since it slows the game down to a crawl
adam44 · 3 years ago
Atronach is a cool idea but I found it to be a pain. I'd suggest choosing a different sign or "accidentally" dropping magic books off at the gates of bandit camps an hour before you fight them. Gives them time to learn a few things.
deleted · 3 years ago
I tried making a character who was resistant to magic based on a specific build, but I've also got destruction and mysticism as major skills, Alchemy too. Hard to level up my magic atm, but I'm leveling up my alchemy too quickly and it's gonna leave me under-leveled.
I may end up having to restart the character. (not a huge loss at lv 5)
Currently hoping that getting into the mages guild and making my own spells to absorb magic will help. I'm one recommendation away
adam44 · 3 years ago
Aaah that's a cool idea. Buy all the potions you can afford, make as many as you can, there's not many groundbreaking ideas I can offer.
What was the build you went off of?
deleted · 3 years ago
A sort of antimage. Supposedly it's supposed to be a power-build gates for in both melee and against mages due to the magic absorbtion.
adam44 · 3 years ago
Okay that's an awesome build idea. The creator is pretty funny too.
I'm thinking about creating that character now as well.
Is there anything you've done differently from the original idea? The creator didn't say anything about hurting for levels.
deleted · 3 years ago
Not yet, no. Aside from avoiding sleeping. My character is at level 5 but probably could be at 8 or 9. I just fought a bunch of ghosts and necromancers and it honestly wasn't that difficult. Half the time is get my magic recharged instead of taking damage, and I could just use that to constantly heal.
It can be hard to level magic outside of fighting magic users, though, since it doesn't regenerate, even when waiting or sleeping. So far, I've been relying on potions (flax seed x steel-blue entoloma cap for magic regen), Ayleid wells, and the altars at the city temples in order to have any magic (if you can avoid bounties and infamy).
I just got into the Arcane University, and am partway through the Arena. Main skills are ranging from 40-46 at the moment.