Hoe’s COVID going? Lost track :/
by bensen · 13 comments 2 years ago
karlboll · 2 years ago
Some countries are doing better than others, the vaccine is mostly effective but a new variant is coming that may be more infectious than the previous ones. We're in the fourth wave and there's still a lot of people without access to vaccines, mostly in the developing world.
On the whole we are beating it but it's slow going and a lot of people are still going to die.
famousone · 2 years ago
nicengelman · 2 years ago
dilimsartius87 · 2 years ago
People here have lost confidence in the Vaccine. There was a pregnant woman who just died a few days ago along with her unborn child when she went to get vaccinated. Even my parents and friends who supported and advocated for the vaccine are having doubts, I can't even blame them; because when you're getting Covid with your second and third dose you're bound to start questioning things.
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Where are you from @dilimsartius87
famousone · 2 years ago
This is true. But I also think it's "funny" how they managed to discover a new and terrible varient we should totally be terrified by as vaccine trust plummets, the courts knocked down the federal mandate in the US, and Europe sees people making stands against ever more tyrannical measures, and we see states and nations that didn't turn to tyranny doing better than everyone else.
Just seems really convenient, especially given the proximity to elections and the media already trying to use it to distract us from real problems.
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Nevermind @dilimsartius87, I'm out. Shit naturally had to turn into a copy and paste political spiel for absolutely no reason, so enjoy the echo chamber
dilimsartius87 · 2 years ago
@nicengelman Philippines
@famousone I just think that the vaccine was rushed :/
famousone · 2 years ago
It most certainly was.
famousone · 2 years ago
That isn't stopping assholes from trying to force it into us.
dr_richard_ew · 2 years ago
guys, lets not talk politics on this chat post. No offense to anyone here, but I doubt benson wants their post filled with political talk. I think it would be best to move this to a separate chat if you guys wanna discuss this.
Again, no offense to any of you, I just appreciate benson for being a pure bean
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Agree with @dr_richard_ew totally. We love you bensen tell us what you are getting other people for Xmas!
bensen · 2 years ago
I’m making a picture for you guys on Christmas Eve
Gonna talk dad into taking me down to the shops o pick up more Aetna for the folks :)