funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
adam44 · 3 years ago
Do you need a dictionary there, bud? Lol
dilimsartius87 · 3 years ago
I am not shocked by sex or nudity @funkmasterrex. Killjoy might be a better phrase now that I think about.
snowbeast · 3 years ago
Exactly. Please hit us up with your non-political urges :-D
dilimsartius87 · 3 years ago
Yeah, like dank or dark memes. Anything but political bs, hell I'll even take memes that shit on my country if I have to.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Memes shitting on a particular country aren't political..?
dilimsartius87 · 3 years ago
Why is it always political? Is politics all you think about? Can't you be creative and joke about their history, silly events, weird cultural things, etc?
famousone · 3 years ago
History and culture is very often political.
Particularly when the "jokes" are just blatant attacks that can't even garner a giggle.
dilimsartius87 · 3 years ago
If people can attack Bidens mistakes and mumbles and laugh or make fun and say mean things about Trumps hair and orange look and laugh then I don't see a problem. I don't know if its a culture or up bringing thing but we people from the Asia are more accepting of jokes and criticism. We already live a shitty life, working 43 or 45 hours a week, working with people we don't like, co-workers accusing you of dumb bs, corrupt politician running the state to the ground, social issues like gay marriage, etc. There is simply no use stressing about the little things because what's the use? You're just going to worry more and make your life shittier than it already is, better just laugh at the absurdity of it all.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
I was literally just curious how memes going after a particular country could constitute as non-political.
It's a question I've been asking everyone who asks that we never post political things: what, exactly, defines a topic as "political"
People were fine with one-sided discourse on this site for quite awhile, so as near as I can tell it's not political content that bothers people at all. It's the arguing. Which has also existed since I joined (and long before based on the random post comment sections I've seen).
Which implies it's not the arguing itself that bothers people, it's the lack of alternative content AWAY from the arguing. Which is part of why my fallback response is always:
If you want better content, your best option is to provide some.
This site is on life-support and has been for a long time. Now we don't even have bot-posts and often there are 3 - 6 hour gaps between New memes being added...
xvarnah · 3 years ago
... Which are then political at times, which makes people feel overwhelmed.
You asked whether politics Are "all you think about." I have no idea if that question was directed at me specifically or just the void in general, but for me the answer is:
No, not really. But I do think about it a lot more than I used to. From what I've seen in recent years I'd be a fool not to.
And I find one of the best outlets for all the sickening shit I see is mockery.
That said, I also understand that brand of mockery isn't always everyone's cup of tea. And a lot of people are here for escapism from those topics
Which is why most of my content isn't political. And since so many people have been unhappy lately, I've taken a step back from posting most memes that might be triggering.
But that said, I will never agree not to post it entirely. It's impossible first of all, and I just don't agree with it
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Foosball and basketball can both quickly devolve into something political... as can soccer. So,,, if moving a ball is political, everything is political.