bensen we love you
by catfluff · 7 comments 2 years ago
catfluff · 2 years ago
that is all
karlboll · 2 years ago
<3 @bensen you are the one true funsubber <3
dr_richard_ew · 2 years ago
This is very very true, I love @bensen so much :D
strawberrymoon · 2 years ago
Longtime lurker here. Agree with @catfluff.
@bensen is one of the best things about funsub these days. :)
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Warm and fuzzy Christmas hugs for @bensen !!!
scatmandingo · 2 years ago
Seeing what @benson is up to is the #1 reason I visit this site.
jmmcclain · 2 years ago
I agree. I like and appreciate benson