savage_demmigod · 2 years ago
I'll deck your depression in the face
catfluff · 2 years ago
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Is that a band or a medicine
karlboll · 2 years ago
Hallucinogen narcotics found in cough meds. Known for being addictive and causing overdoses. Be careful @natethegreat
deleted · 2 years ago
Actually dxm (dextromethorphan) has shown positive effects with certain forms of affective disorders subsumed under depression. In case it hasn't been prescribed for this purpose here, the user should be very careful with it, especially in combination with (S)SRI.
deleted · 2 years ago
In the "wrong" ;-) combination (mostly with alcohol) and heavily overdosed it can be (ab)used as recreational drug but it's not recommended because the fun/risk/side effect ration isn't all that good. Typical drug for kids with no connections to "real" drugs.
karlboll · 2 years ago
God fact check @general_failure
natethegreat · 2 years ago
Yeah, I had a bad experience with that, I ended up taking an anti-psychotic which itself wasn't fun, definitely something not to be playing around with.
natethegreat · 2 years ago
And yes, I was aware of the risks, I’m just a fucking lucky ass, dumbass motherfucker lol
Maybe God really is watching over me :D
natethegreat · 2 years ago
Yo, seriously though.
Listen to what all these people say and be very fucking careful when you use this shit.
I wouldn't recommend anything higher than 300 mg every 2 weeks.
When used the way I described, I personally would get thoughts of "oh I gotta take better care of myself" and start thinking of ways I could improve my life and personal development then actually take steps to do so.
anything above that, you're just asking for trouble imo, it is possible to "lean" ur self into psychosis >;) *ba dum tss* and that WILL seriously fuck yourself up, too much serotonin is never good. o_o
Luckily, I never had to deal with actual hallucinations, auditory or visual, but heard of people who have, mostly with doses above 400 mg.
I'm probably gonna take a break for a long while though, I've gotten all the therapy I needed out of this substance for now.
Maybe I'll keep a log or something.
Have a good day and don't do drugs, 'cept for weed 'cos its legit. ;)