Opinions on NFTs?
typow777 · 13 comments
2 years ago
· 2 years ago
A nothingburger that got propped up by scammers and overwhelming hype for a non-product
· 2 years ago
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
· 2 years ago
Bu-bu! Ubisoft says I can use mommy's credit card to pay for in-game armor *that has a serial number*!!
· 2 years ago
Not to mention artists are having their work stolen and sold.
The fact that images can easily be copied.
The fact that most of them are dogshit because they’re literally only used as a money making hot potato and the last person to hold it loses their life savings
The fact that images can easily be copied.
The fact that most of them are dogshit because they’re literally only used as a money making hot potato and the last person to hold it loses their life savings
· 2 years ago
That's not quite what an NFT seems to be *entirely*, but yeah. What everyone said Bitcoin and crypto would be? Looks like NFTs actually are. A scam, that could run for decades or just minutes, but will only leave someone broken and alone in the end.
· 2 years ago
NFTs are to the crypto world what the art trade is to museums. Some of it is genuine but a large portion is fraudulent. So many NFTs are sold amongst groups of already rich people who are in the group to move money around so as to hide their money when tax time comes around.
· 2 years ago
So much money being moved in crypto.
Yeah the public said cellphones and the internet was just a phase.
Alot of young people living alone in apartments all alone with plenty of money to spend.
Getting banks out of the money system, that's the future. Will people continue using the USD, euro, yen forever? It's all imaginary money/numbers right now either way.
Yeah the public said cellphones and the internet was just a phase.
Alot of young people living alone in apartments all alone with plenty of money to spend.
Getting banks out of the money system, that's the future. Will people continue using the USD, euro, yen forever? It's all imaginary money/numbers right now either way.
· 2 years ago
Is anyone here over 35?
· 2 years ago
Yeah, can't wait for the day currency is obsolete and we all trade art for food.
· 2 years ago
Whether I'm being sarcastic or not is for you to figure out
· 2 years ago
-Transactions recorded on blockchains are reliable because the information cannot be changed-
Small artists are the first to start using NFTs.
It's not just art, it's any transaction that is recorded cannot be fudged.
NFT are Non-fungible tokens. Think of it as a recipient that no one can make up happened. From a paycheck to a mortgage payment. Anyone can see it looking through the Leger's. Any transaction ever can be seen from wallet to wallet.
Small artists are the first to start using NFTs.
It's not just art, it's any transaction that is recorded cannot be fudged.
NFT are Non-fungible tokens. Think of it as a recipient that no one can make up happened. From a paycheck to a mortgage payment. Anyone can see it looking through the Leger's. Any transaction ever can be seen from wallet to wallet.
· 2 years ago
"Will people continue using the USD, euro, yen forever?" So long as a government accepts the currency and its supremacy in collecting taxes yes. The US government won't collect taxes in any other currency other than USD. Same with Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, etc.
· 2 years ago
Well, currency has to be backed by something. What is crypto backed by?