snowbeast · 2 years ago
I'm sure it will, @bensen - those operations are routine nowadays
karlboll · 2 years ago
Like @snowbeast said, it's routine. She'll be fine.
guest_ · 2 years ago
I wish your mom and family the best. It’s totally normal to have some worry where our loved ones and risk is concerned, but as the others have said- in a modern setting and for a routine procedure the risks are more like those of taking a weekend trip or such. Your concern comes from a place of love for your family, so that is a noble thing.
Try to think about how happy your mom will be to have the surgery done and the issue behind her.
You probably can’t help but to have some concern, but focus on the positives as much as possible and try to embrace excitement of your mom getting her health and wellness taken care of and the positive impact on the future.
Again, best wishes and a speedy recovery.
bensen · 2 years ago
Thanks so much <3 hope the best for her and I will be there for her if/when she needs me
karlboll · 2 years ago
@bensen You are the bestest daughter ever, kinda makes me wish I had kids.