guest_ · 2 years ago
Hi Bensen. I know you don’t want things to change, and change can be scary. I can tell you that divorce won’t change that your parents love you, and I can tell you that not all change is bad, just different. Different is a word that we might not like when we are happy with the way things are, but even though sometimes it might seem bad at first, change often leads us to a better place. Divorcing each other doesn’t change the way your parents feel about you or their desire and commitment to take care of you. The truth is that change is just part of life, your parents are at a place where they’ve decided that being together is going to cause more pain and more problems than divorcing. Knowing that doesn’t make any worry about what might happen next go away, but it can help when we remind ourselves that whatever comes is probably the best way things could have gone overall- the best chance for everyone to find a different version of happiness and not be stuck in a deteriorating situation.
guest_ · 2 years ago
Hang in there Bensen. Take things a day at a time. The future is always over the horizon and can bring good things and bad. If we think of life like a show or a book, if things don’t change the story doesn’t go anywhere. If we never face challenges, we never grow as people. Sharing your feelings is good, and it’s ok to feel sad, have worries, questions. It’s also ok to talk to your parents about these things, to ask questions and discuss your concerns and where things may be going. They might not have all the answers, but it’s ok to talk as a family and know you are all in things together. Your parents relationship is changing with each other but you will always be their child and nothing about this divorce is your fault. One day at a time, breath, and try to be open to the possibilities. Things will almost certainly change but that doesn’t mean only bad things. Best of luck Bensen.