bensen · 1 year ago
However Boober wasn’t a boring Fraggle- while he loved cooking and cleaning and knowing about medicine he had a fun side which he kept secret (AKA his alter-ego Sidebottom) and he was also very interesting in his own ways- his cautiousness had got him and his friends out of all sorts of dangerous situations such as the time where he taught Junior Gorg how to die in dignity with his song “Dixie Wailin’’.”
Anyway this was not an ordinary day for Boober. The Fraggles were preparing to welcome a new Fraggle to the Rock who was said to be a great scientist! Boober was excited because being such a great scientist the new Fraggle would be sure to know a few top-notch recipe skills and know all about how to get stains out of laundry! So they waited until at last he would come.
bensen · 1 year ago
I know this is a little weird but this is the first chapter of a book I’m writing
karlboll · 1 year ago
It's great! You got my attention with Boober and my interest peaked just as you cut off the prologue. Now I'm curious and really looking forward to reading more. It's good storytelling.
bensen · 1 year ago
Thank you karlboll :D you are my favourite member :)
karlboll · 1 year ago
Aaaaw, and you're my favourite Funsubber. Your posts are always unique, personal and very wholesome.
bensen · 1 year ago
Thank u <3