Why I'm outta here
deleted · 3 comments
1 year ago
· 1 year ago
Most popular posts are either about cute animals, or anti-trans and/or racist and/or whining about anti-white racism and/or anti-male sexism. Basically 4chan light with bonus pet pics. This is also, what the ever-growing number of bot postings consist of, minus the pet pics, plus creepily cringing hentai references. Apparently this creates ad revenues, which is fine, that's how it works. I just don't want to be part of this any more by creating traffic.
· 1 year ago
I'm glad to have met a solid number of really nice, decent people here. Most have left, and to those who are still here trying to kind of keep it up: you da MVP, and you're better persons than I. I will miss you even more. Keep it up as long as it doesn't get to you.
After the two most toxic pundits left (or got kicked out) about a year ago, I thought things might go for the better, turns out it only takes a few remaining toxic guys and a number of bots to push the exact same agenda and cause the exact same level of nausea. The fact they refuse to engage in debating their positions as vehemently (or at all) like the am pundits always did, doesn't make any of this feel any better and the dark bot forces are ever rising. I always knew, in a "The Walking Duds" scenario, I wouldn't make it to the end of season one, so here I am saying good buy and see you on the other side.
After the two most toxic pundits left (or got kicked out) about a year ago, I thought things might go for the better, turns out it only takes a few remaining toxic guys and a number of bots to push the exact same agenda and cause the exact same level of nausea. The fact they refuse to engage in debating their positions as vehemently (or at all) like the am pundits always did, doesn't make any of this feel any better and the dark bot forces are ever rising. I always knew, in a "The Walking Duds" scenario, I wouldn't make it to the end of season one, so here I am saying good buy and see you on the other side.
· 1 year ago
Well I don't know who this was but I can see he was serious