karlboll · 1 year ago
Haven't had much of either, over here we get Jelly Belly in special shops and everything else is pretty generic. But if I had to make a choice I'd go with generic since Jelly Belly's chairman donated to anti-trans organisations and the company hasn't taken a stance on the issue.
bensen · 1 year ago
Hmm that’s interesting.
Jelly bellies are much healthier and made from wholesome ingredients
Also even if somebody does the bad this they may not e bad just misguided
karlboll · 1 year ago
Well, I have high standards but admittedly this is kind of a grey area for me. On the one hand it was the leader of the company who have since been replaced, but on the other hand the company doesn't seem to mind.
I like that they use better ingredients though.
bensen · 1 year ago
Me too :)