If you’re a policeman and you play grand theft auto does that make you a good or bad person?
bensen · 5 comments
1 year ago
· 1 year ago
Lol. It’s a funny thought isn’t it? If we take it seriously though- I don’t think it makes you anything except someone who enjoys a game.
I suppose one could ask if being a policeman makes you a good or bad person, and different people might answer differently but at the end of the day, police are just people. Some are maybe good or bad and most are a little of both in different ways at different times.
Putting on a uniform doesn’t make you anything except a worker at a job, who you put into the uniform is what means something.
Of course there are jobs that ask you questions (or there used to be in my day,) like if you enjoy things like “movies where criminals conduct clever heists” and actually would judge how trustworthy you were from the answers!
I suppose one could ask if being a policeman makes you a good or bad person, and different people might answer differently but at the end of the day, police are just people. Some are maybe good or bad and most are a little of both in different ways at different times.
Putting on a uniform doesn’t make you anything except a worker at a job, who you put into the uniform is what means something.
Of course there are jobs that ask you questions (or there used to be in my day,) like if you enjoy things like “movies where criminals conduct clever heists” and actually would judge how trustworthy you were from the answers!
· 1 year ago
Is it possible that maybe people who enjoy certain types of entertainment might have certain traits? Maybe. Maybe not. As far as games go I don’t know that someone playing grand theft auto the game would make me any more worried than “Call of Duty” or the myriad of similar shooting games or some of the most popular titles like “assassins creed” “hit man,” the numerous games where people fight often to the death, or any number of games.
· 1 year ago
More so I’d even say that perhaps, especially for those like police and elected officials- even most “innocent” games might be seen as negative to their character. Games and media are quite often at their cores escapism and/or power fantasies. One might argue that a person that fantasizes about having the sort of control and power and importance of that type is ill suited to be a servant - since in my general view it is the role of people in these jobs to serve the public.
Of course that is not only extreme to say that gaming alone should be something we judge people on, but if power fantasy and the like disqualified one from service, we’d have almost no one in these roles. So no. I don’t think it makes them a bad person or a good person, and at the end of the day I don’t think it matters. If you are good in the uniform and bad out of it, if you leave the bad at home and do your job well and serve while behind the badge, that’s what we need.
Of course that is not only extreme to say that gaming alone should be something we judge people on, but if power fantasy and the like disqualified one from service, we’d have almost no one in these roles. So no. I don’t think it makes them a bad person or a good person, and at the end of the day I don’t think it matters. If you are good in the uniform and bad out of it, if you leave the bad at home and do your job well and serve while behind the badge, that’s what we need.
· 1 year ago
But- back to the humor of it- maybe playing GTA is like homework for them- researching all the ways that crimes might happen!
· 1 year ago
I think it just means they're a person who don't confuse reality with fantasy and likes to have fun.