karlboll · 49 weeks ago
Yes plz!
bensen · 49 weeks ago
A Rick For All Reasons
Rick was a doctor like Boober was- well, more a scientist than a doctor but screw that, he was a doctor in his own right! He loved the Muppets although he thought they could be f-ing stupid but funny at the same time! He thought to himself, “Well, dammit, if I can make myself into a pickle why not a mother-f-ing Muppet?
Morty burst into the lab about twenty minutes later wanting some help on his science project. He had to find a new type of creature his class hadn’t discussed yet and aw geez, Jessica (his unrequited love) may find him irresistible after this and may even want a kiss- ah, well, anyway- he burst into the lab and the conversation went like this:
Morty: Rick, where are you?! Aw, jeez, I need like need your help or something ok? Aw jeez!
Rick: Table, Morty look at the f-ing table! I’m like- I’m like Fraggle Rick!
End of Chapter One
karlboll · 49 weeks ago
Good writing <3