Is anybody still here? Hello? :O
by bensen · 8 comments 22 weeks ago
karlboll · 22 weeks ago
Yes, I'm here. Looking forward to hearing about your birthday next month.
bensen · 22 weeks ago
Thank u <3
bensen · 22 weeks ago
My bday is on April 3rd.
karlboll · 22 weeks ago
Oh, my mistake. Looking forward to next next month then. <3
nicengelman · 22 weeks ago
Happy Pre-Birthday message sent out of sincere caution
snowbeast · 22 weeks ago
Hi bensen I am here just a bit quiet. Hope you are well <3
bensen · 22 weeks ago
I am fine :) I love you guys so much <3 I was worried something bad had happened to u.
snowbeast · 22 weeks ago
Sorry bensen! This time of year is a bit tough way up here in the north. But the days are getting longer and the first gen snowdrop stalks are pushing up through the soil.