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pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Well that makes sense.
deleted · 8 years ago
Yup. How's your day going?
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Exhausting. Been out since like 10 am. Got my feet molded for some custom orthotics. Went out to eat. Went to the store. Just got home. I think i may have had a small heart attack after a coughing fit but no big deal
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
How is yours
deleted · 8 years ago
But no big deal? Holy cow man. I'm having a lazy/sick day. I almost feel sick but not really but just icky. Couldn't sleep last night either so that didn't help. I don't know. It's annoying because it's like ok do I have a cold or is it my kidneys? I'm just glad I had help getting extra chores done yesterday so I can relax with them today.
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Extra help is always nice. And you actually just reminded me, i need to go get a flu shot. I'm actually really looking forward to this sunday.
deleted · 8 years ago
Yeah get your flu shot. What's going on Sunday?
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Its wwe hell in a cell. Me and my mom watch every pay per view each month and every ppv we have a special meal this month its chilli.
deleted · 8 years ago
That sounds like fun. That's always my favorite part of sporting events with family. Food and the boisterous hanging out with people. :D Hubby isn't in to any sports really so I kind of miss that part of growing up. But with my family it was football and baseball more than wrestling.
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
I just need to get my gf into wrestling. Cause as it stands shed be a little left out each month. Lol
deleted · 8 years ago
Aw. Well there's always her visiting her family then. Or a girls day out or something. That'd be fun.
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Well she's a whole state away. So theres the issue. Lol. But she cant stand violence. So i have to try to convince her and help her realize its all a show and they are all trying not to hurt each other and they're just making it look painful buyvin reality they're being careful and just putting on a show
deleted · 8 years ago
It is definitely all show. I remember that much about it. And a state away could be really far or really close depending on the states...
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
I mean our states border but we're on opposite sides of the states from each other. So it sucks. But yeah. I mean wrestling hurts no doubt about that. But they aren't actively trying to hurt each other. Not unless ego gets in the way. But yeah. She plans to move up here to me when her apprenticeship is done.
deleted · 8 years ago
Yay! That's cool. (The eventual moving, not the current distance.) What's she apprenticing in?
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Tattooing. Yeah. I go down to see her in a couple weeks actually.
deleted · 8 years ago
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Yeah. Our first time meeting.
deleted · 8 years ago
Definitely cool then. :) Have fun!
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
We shall. Thank you. ^-^