pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Less than an hour.
deleted · 8 years ago
A week or so.
Chronos · 8 years ago
I had an account before guest accounts even existed.
deleted · 8 years ago
GASP! *angelic choirs*
rarepepe · 8 years ago
I did a sort of manly giggle when I saw that comment
otamega · 8 years ago
2 years
chikachikaboom · 8 years ago
4 months
carbonatedwaffles · 8 years ago
About 1 year and a half
deleted · 8 years ago
6 seconds.
The first thing I did was sign up here, after a friend showed me some posts.
soullesspegasus · 8 years ago
About a couple weeks, being the satirical ball of sarcasm I am I made my first account and named it quirkycupcake. Yup
tenthdoctor · 8 years ago
I was looking on the internet for spare TARDIS parts and I saw a funny picture with the water mark, so I decided to check it out. That was about, um... 100 years ago I think?
beyondtheriverbend · 8 years ago
Omg a god has spoken!
bleachnvm · 8 years ago
It took me a year or two... o.O
kisnotundercover · 8 years ago
I'd been guesting for a few days before i made an account
chu · 8 years ago
define "be a guest". I found FS about a year before making an account because I was looking for jokes, but it was only a few hours into browsing FS that I decided to make an account.
ashthebookworm · 8 years ago
It took me about 7 months to make an account
deamon_pastries · 8 years ago