texasranger · 8 years ago
Ask him how his day is just ask him open ended questions that encourage discussion and listen to him believe it or not we guys like it when we get to talk and are listened to or at least i like it.
deleted · 8 years ago
Drug and kidnap him and then lock him in your basement. Eventually Stockholm Syndrome will take affect and he'll like you for the rest of your life.
texasranger · 8 years ago
No dont do that
inspirationandlove · 8 years ago
Yeah @crfwannabe that's how we got married, take his advice
mmm3728 · 8 years ago
Just have a montage and you'll fall in love over a period of about 3 mins
deleted · 8 years ago
Love potion #9
deleted · 8 years ago
Thank you guys. I don't think I have the capability to kidnap him if I can barely beat him at thumb wars. I guess I have to go the old fashioned way.. The locker way
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Whats the locker way?
deleted · 8 years ago
Puttung a note in his locker